Incarnation of God (Parmatma) takes place whenever there is Adharma (unrighteousness). The article explains the related facts of Dharma and Adharma and how Bhagvan Parashu Ram established dharma in His sixth incarnation.
Bhagvan Parashu Ram incarnated for establishment of Dharma
A N Pandey
Director Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad,
ORCID Amrendra Pandey (0000-0003-3882-2416) – ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers.
- Incarnation of God (Parmatma)
The Incarnation of God (Parmatma) seems to be unusual because God (Parmatma) keeps himself separate from the action of creation. That is why; He is known as “God beyond creation”. However, he has made the Energy (Prakriti, Shakti, and Maya) & Space (Purusha, Shiva, and Brahm) responsible for creation. Whenever there is mismatch between the functional aspects of Energy & Space, God (Parmatma) has to incarnate for correcting the universal law (Dharma) defined for creation. The following verse of Geeta provides the cause for his Incarnation.

In the verse number seven (chapter IV of Bhagvad Gita) Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that whenever righteousness (Dharma) is on the decline, and unrighteousness (Adharma) is in the ascendant, then I incarnate in the form of Body. For Incarnation, there is no fixed period of time for the manifestation of God; and it cannot be positively asserted that He manifest Himself in a particular Yuga or age, in a particular date. Nor is there any rule to show how many times, and how many forms, will the Lord appear in a particular Yuga.

Parmatma incarnates as human form with the help of Yog- Maya which is special cosmic arrangement where rules of Nature or Maya does not takes place. He incarnated to correct Adharma (Unrighteousness).
2. What is Adharma (unrighteousness)?
Adharma (unrighteousness) can be defined as imbalance of energy (Prakriti, Shakti, Maya) and space (Purusha, Shiva, Brahm) in scientific term. The different philosophies have described energy and space as Purusha and Prakriti (as per Sankhya philosophy), shiva and Shakti (as per Yoga philosophy) and Brahm and Maya (as per Vedanta).
Existence of Energy & Space has been defined in Geeta (words number 4 & 5 of 7th chapter) by naming them as “Apara Prakriti”. Apara Prakriti has two components to play around “Para Prakriti” (Jivatma), which (Jivatma) is the part (Ansh) of Parmatma (God). Inequity (unevenness) between Apara Prakriti (enclosing the Para Prakriti or Jivatma) having two components in the form of i. Antah karna (mana, Buddhi and Ahamkara) and ii. Panch Mahabhoot (Earth, water, Fire, Air and Space) can also be defined the ingredients of unrighteousness in Bhagvad Gita. Whenever these two Apara Prakriti (Antah karna and Panch Mahabhoot) are imbalanced, there could be unrighteousness exists in day-to-day function of Jivatma and the life will be miserable.
The Unrighteousness (Adharma) exists in individual and also in society. This is because society is composed of many individuals. Similarly, a country or the world is made up of different society having different caste, race, culture and environment. In term, there is likelihood of Adharma (Unrighteousness) to springs up in all the areas.
2.1 Adharma (unrighteousness) in Individual and its correction
Unrighteousness (Adharma) can be defined in the case of an individual whenever principles related to “duty” of self and “rights” of the associates are not followed. For example, whenever head of the family does not follow the concept of his duty viewing the rights of the associates (son, daughter, wife, relatives and friends), there could be unrighteous (Adharma) action by the head of the family.

To correct the Unrighteousness action (Adharma) of individual, the factors like “Purushartha” (Asset) has to be explored. The mismatch between Artha (Means) and Kama (Desire) of Purushartha can be reviewed and get corrected. Bhagwan Parashu Ram has shown the methodology to correct the Unrighteousness (Adharma) of an individual by analyzing Purushartha. This means that the Unrighteousness (Adharma) in individual’s asset (Purushartha) can also be defined and gets corrected as per the Bhagwan Parashu Rama’s concept.
The Purushartha (asset) of a man is having four limbs namely 1) Artha (Means) ii) Kama (desire) iii) Dharma (righteousness) and iv) Moksha (freedom from life and death). Whenever there could be imbalance between Artha (Means) and Kama (desire), the unrighteousness (Adharma) in the man’s life will persists. The same can easily be set right by adopting the principle of Bhagvan Parashu Ram’s concept.
2.2 Adharma in Society
In social structure, the Adharma (unrighteousness) is clearly seen whenever discrepancies between Law of the land (judiciary or Justice) and Activity of anti social element in a society exists. The society will have no control on law of the land and life will face the anarchy. The society will have righteousness (Dharma) if many of them act according to the universal law of the nature or Prakriti. This does not mean that all individual of the society should be the yogi or very pious people.

How the people of the society can be pious or yogi? This will be clearer when we understand the functional aspects of yogic concepts. In yoga, human system is made up of three parts (ways) having three major functional components. Out of three, two are defined as paths of Energy & Space. Human Being consists of Ida (left side of the body) and Pingla (right side of the body) path. Ida path generally has the ingredients like Mind and Rights of the associates. Similarly, Pingla path consists of Energy (Prana) and Duty of the individual. These two are to be balanced and the leaders who are framing the society must have the balancing components. The image briefly describes the percentage of people needed to be yogi in the society to anchor the Righteousness (Dharma). This means that the leader of the society must be a yogi or pious people. The image also clarifies the concept followed by Bhagwan Parashu Ram to establish the Righteousness (Dharma) at that time by means of Parashu (Axe) and unconditional love.
2.3 Unrighteousness (Adharma) exists in the country
In case of a country or the world, whenever there could be imbalance between “action of unconditional love” and “action of Justice”, the unrighteousness (Adharma) springs up. At that time, the community and large number of people are getting affected due to unrighteousness. This leads to disorder, turmoil and anarchy among the people of the world or in the country.

This very moment, there is a learning time for Parmatma (God) to follow the correction. The Parmatma (supreme God) has to get incarnated to set right the righteousness (Dharma). The image defines the reasons for unrighteousness (Adharma) to spring up in a country or in the world.
The alarming signal for Parmatma (God) is the complete imbalance of Prakriti or nature that is responsible as managing director (MD) for creation. The nature or Prakriti are linked with i) Parmatma (God) ii) Soul (Atma or Shiva or Purusha) iii) Being (Jivatma). When all three limbs of nature are disturbed in the world, the Parmatma (God) has to incarnate. The story of Lord Shiva regarding chopping of three heads is very interesting when the limbs of the nature (Prakriti) god completely paralyzed.
3. How nature (Prakriti) gets affected by Adharma (Unrighteousness)?
The story of Shiva while correcting Adharma is well known to Hindu. Shiva has chopped off 3 heads namely the head of i) Brahma ii) Daksha and iii) Ganesha.

It is stated that 3 occasions when nature (Prakriti) was kept under Adharma condition, Lord Shiva has to take corrective action. The story reveals that nature (Prakriti) can be kept under atrocity or violence whenever 3 main conditions are persisting against it (nature). The three conditions against nature (Prakriti) are main culprits or means for Adharma (Unrighteousness).They could be i) Possessiveness of the nature ii) Blocking the energy or nature (Prakriti) to have new creation along with a space and iii) The cultural aspects to strengthen the creation is disturbed
For instance, Brahma wanted to possess the nature (Prakriti) which was unrighteousness (Adharma) as he (Brahma) was after her. To correct this unrighteousness (Adharma), he (Shiva) chopped off the head of Brahma. Similarly when Shiva wanted to see Parvati in Himalaya after his deep meditation, he was stopped by Ganesha with extreme of his (Ganesh) ego. This reveals the scenario of blocking the meeting of space (Shiva) with energy (Shakti) which could have been for new creation. This led to the removal of ahamkara of Ganesha which was coming in the way between creative limbs of energy (Shakti) & space (Shiva). Likewise, the scenario happened when Daksha (Father of Sati or Shakti) did not invite Shiva & Parvati for the yagna (Auspicious worship for descending the power of God (Parmatma). This clearly reveals that the cultural aspect of the society or human relation was completely ignored purposely by Daksha. To correct the unrighteousness (Adharma) intended by Daksha, Shiva chopped off the head of Daksha.
It is very interesting to note that Lord Shiva has used his weapon (Axe) to correct the unrighteousness (Adharma) in all the occasions and later on, he has used his complete asset of unconditional love to set right the Dharma (Righteousness). Similar way Bhagwan Parashu Ram used his Parashu (Axe) for correction of Adharma & he also used his unconditional love (Spirit of Rama) to set right the Dharma. This clearly indicates that Parashu (Axe) and Rama (Unconditional love) are the two limbs and fusion of the two to provide this sustainable Dharma.
4. When Incarnation is Essential?
The functional aspect of Parmatma (God) is very clean. The Supreme (known as Vishnu by vaishnavist; Shiva by shaivaist; Shakti by Shâkta) is the “God beyond creation”. This means that the supreme (Parmatma) does not take part in day-to-day creation. When Parmatma (supreme God) wanted to become many (“Eko Hum, Bahudha Bhavantu”), He has projected two Tattva (nun material component) namely Purusha & Prakriti (by Sankhya philosophy); Shiva & Shakti by yoga concept and Brahm & Maya termed by Vedanta. The two tattva have the role in creation and also called as “God in creation”. They (Two tattva) are also known as energy and space in science. When “God In creation” (Brahm & Maya) is having missing links beyond tolerance, the Parmatma (God) has to incarnate for correcting them. This means that when major imbalance exists in energy & space, the Supreme God (Parmatma) has to incarnate.
4.1 Why Parmatma took incarnation as Bhagvan Parashu Ram?
Parashu Rama (Sanskrit: परशुराम, Rama with an axe) is the sixth avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. He Born as a Brahmin, Parashu ram carried traits of a Kshatriya and is often regarded as a Brahmin-Kshatriya. He carried a number of Kshatriya traits, which included aggression and warfare. In addition, he had serenity, prudence and patience. Like other incarnations of Vishnu, he was foretold to appear at a time when overwhelming evil prevailed on earth. The legends of Parashu Rama appear in many Hindu texts, in different versions: In chapter 3.33 of the Mahabharata, In chapter 6 of the Devi Bhagavata Purana, In chapter 4 of the Vishnu Purana, In chapter 2 of the Vayu Purana.
It is interesting to know that Bhagvan Parashu ram served Shiva (as His disciple) but in next incarnation (avatar) Shiva served Sri Rama as his Sevak (gatekeeper). He along with Hanuman is considered to be one of the very few Atimaharathi warriors ever born on Earth. Parashu Ram (as an avatar) had Parashu (Axe) and love (Kindness & forgiveness) as the instrument as Lord Shiva (his guru) has used two weapons like i) Chopping the heads for correction & ii) Showering the love for setting right of Dharma. Bhagwan Parashu Ram is the Incarnation of the Vishnu. He is generally presented as the fifth son of Renuka and Rishi Jamadagni. Bhagwan Parashu Ram is one among the favorite Incarnation of the Vishnu.
4.2 The best possible Incarnation of Vishnu
Hindu manuscripts states that the best possible Incarnation of Vishnu happened to be in the form of i) Parashu Ram ii) Rama and iii) Krishna. In all 3 Incarnations, Vishnu took interest to correct the Adharma (Unrighteousness) which was existed deep in nature (Prakriti) & also in atrocity on Women. When both the limbs (nature) of creation (Energy & Space) are extremely affected, the Incarnation of Parmatma (God) is essential. This will be clearer by the performance (Leela) done by these Incarnations. History (Purana) reveals that how far these Incarnations have uplifted the Women’s rights and empowered them. In addition, history reveals that the environmental protection with proper scenario was implemented during their tenure.
Like other incarnations of Vishnu, he incarnated at a time when overwhelming evil prevailed on earth. At that time, the Kshatriya class with weapons and power, had begun to abuse their power and used to take what belonged to others by force and tyrannize people. Bhagvan Parashu Rama corrected the cosmic equilibrium by destroying these evil Kshatriya warriors.
5. How Bhagwan Parashu Ram established the Dharma?
Being son of a Brahmin Rishi, he possessed the true nature of Brahmin endorsing the complete sense of forgiveness (Kshma) but at the same time he saw the Adharma (unrighteousness) among the kings around the world. This forced him to change his nature from forgiveness (Kshma) to become aggressive for establishment of dharma (Righteousness) in the world (Greater India). Because of which Parashu Rama carries to a mythic extreme an enduring Brahmin conflict in the one hand; on the other hand he possessed restraint, purity, nonviolence & detachment. Having two conflict qualities (Guna), he used to dwell with inherent power and the recurring temptation to use it in the violent pursuit of an uncompromising vision. He was using Axe (Parashu) in one hand and love (sense of forgiveness & kindness) in other hand while correcting Adharma (Unrighteousness) and re establishing dharma (Righteousness). Actually, correction of “Networking” or Energy and re establishing the “Trafficking” or Space are the universal method for establishing the sustainable functional aspects of dharma. Whenever there is mismatch in the laws of Energy (Networking) and Space (Trafficking) in the universe (Brahmand) or in human body, it is bound to create a region of Adharma (Unrighteousness). The image entitled “Bhagvan Parashu Rama’s contribution to the world” clarifies about the establishment of Dharma (righteousness) by Bhagvan Parashu ram. The image also indicates how the establishment of his Dharma became the foundation for Ram Rajya which Bhagvan Ram (7th incarnation) could enjoy and process the same.

Brahma Rishi Samaj of present India worships Him (Bhagvan Parashu Rama) for establishing the true Dharma in individual, in society and also in the country for exploring the richness in life and world peace. He is worshipped as the Mool (primordial) Purusha by Bhumihar Brahmin (mainly from Bihar and Eastern UP), Tyagi (In Western UP and Delhi region), Niyogi (In Andhra and Telangana), Chitpavan Brahmin, Mohyals, Anavil and Nambudiri Brahmin (In Kerala) communities.
5.1 Why He has adopted aggression?
During his incarnation (Avatar), the country was ruled by many Kshatriya kings; who were acting unrighteousness (Adharma) ways by snatching the property of others, killing the civilized and learned people for their selfish fulfillment and working like a terror for the society. In others words, the Kshatriya class with weapons and power had begun to abuse their power and used to take what belonged to others by force and also used to tyrannize people. Bhagwan Parashu Rama corrected the cosmic equilibrium by destroying these Kshatriya warriors; who were completely acting Unrighteousness way. This made him to be furious and he carried a number of Kshatriya traits; which included aggression, warfare and valor. During the traits, he possessed serenity, prudence and patience. In this fashion, he had balanced the law of Axe and love (two handy instruments) to rectify the unrighteousness (Adharma) prevailing in the society in particular and country in large.
6. How Bhagwan Parashu Ram established dharma (Righteousness) for world peace?
Bhagwan Parashu Ram was born in yogi’s family; hence he was a yogi with full sense of “forgiveness, kindness & love”. Being yogi, he could realize the anarchy, lawlessness & chaos prevailing in the society at that time.

To correct the turmoil, unrest & injustice in the land, he adopted axe (Parashu) as an instrument for correction and establishment of dharma. He has used axe for rectification of individual’s injustice & inhuman nature; which were anti factors for the growth of the society. At the same time, he was concerned with the positive aspect of love consisting tolerance, acceptance, appreciation, forgiveness, kindness and compassion. The universe (Brahmand) & human body which define macrocosm and microcosm respectively follow the principle of Parashu (Axe) & Love for correction of unrighteousness (Adharma).
The image entitled “Dharma for World” indicates that the key maker of a country can become the key maker of world peace provided each one of them follows the principle of Dharma laid by Bhagvan Parashu Rama.
The all components of universe (Brahmand) & five systems of human body (nervous system, circulatory, Respiratory, digestive and execratory) follow the righteousness (Dharma) taking into consideration of these two components. They are termed as prana & mind or Energy & Space working in two parts (Ida & Pingla) of human system. The correcting principle related to Axe & Love was obtained by him from his guru (Lord Shankara) who had used Axe for chopping the head of Brahma, Daksha & Ganesha. At the same time, Lord Shiva has shown the unconditional love to them after correction. Later on, his (Bhagwan Parashu Ram’s) principle of “Axe & Love” was practiced by Sri Hanuman Ji where “Mahavira” has used “Dhwaja & Gada” (sign of love & victory and instrument for showing anger). His (Mahavira’s) principle was similar to Bhagwan Parashu Ram’s love & acts.