The analysis of Gyan (knowledge) and Guna (Shakti or energy) of Hanuman Chalisa
A.N. Pandey, Director, Spiritual Awareness Program(SAP), Hyderabad
ORCID No. 0000-0003-3882-2416
On the eve of Hanuman Jayanthi, the importance of Hanuman Chalisa is worthwhile to recall. The half of first Choupai (Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar) is explored and brief of this is described. Veda, Upanishad and Bhagwad Gita all deals with involution and evolution. AIW (Ancient Indian Wisdom) clarifies that human being are coming from Bindu (Nuclei) containing all the characteristics (Swaroopa) of supreme reality (Permatma). After inception, human body starts developing from a Bindu in the form of causal body, subtle body and gross body till youth hood is achieved. After this (achieving youth hood) the evolution process should be started to reach the supreme reality (Permatma or Ram). The same is explored in Hanuman Chalisa. How?
The first Choupai (Sloka) of Hanuman Chalisa states “Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar, Jai Kapish Tihu Lok Ujager” provides the hidden meaning of three words (Gyan, Guna and Sagar) in Hanuman Chalisa. The first stanza of this Choupai clearly explains how the wholesome or holistic effect of body, mind and soul could be achieved as Shri Hanuman Ji has obtained. The purpose of Human birth can be understood with the help of an analogy of a tree. A tree achieves the purpose of life by obtaining wholesome (completeness). It shows the journey from seed to stem and further from flowering stage to spreading fragrance in the Universe (Jagat) and finally reaching to its aim in the form of seed from where it has come. This shows that human being should also follow the pattern of tree journey to achieve the goal (reaching the root of inception or birth). This will be clearly understood by comparing tree and human being model with the help of analysis.
Inception of human being
Human being starts from a Bubble or Bindu or nucleus containing all characteristics of creator or Permatma along with individual’s collective action (Sanchit Samskara or Karma). This nucleus is also known as seed of the Jiva (existence). This seed becomes seedling and small plant (form of child) in mother’s womb and finally comes out to have further growth of plant (till youth hood) under the care of parents and society. Till then, an individual is a receiver of everything from parents and society. After youth hood, the cycle should become reverse. The youth is supposed to give back to the parents and society at least whatever individual got from them. The aim of individual should be return more to the society by exploring their best hidden capability as like great people have contributed. The holistic approach of human life can be understood with an analogy of a tree.

Gyan (knowledge) and Guna (Energy or Shakti) are the basis for wholesome effect
Now the question arises that what way the first stanza of Hanuman Chalisa provides a formulation to achieve the wholesome effect of human life by utilizing body, mind and spirit. The Choupai “Jai Hanuman Gyan …. Lok Ujager” provides the concept by unveiling the inter dependency of all the three – Gyan (Knowledge), Guna (Shakti or energy) and Sagar (controller or ruler of the two as consciousness or spirit).
In case of human being, the Gyan (knowledge) and Guna (Shakti or energy) if properly developed, then the human personality and self esteem will be developed. The image briefly describes the advantage of developing Guna and Gyan.

Gyan and Guna provide controlled zones to achieve self esteem (Purushartha) and personality (Vyaktitva) for everyone. One can have progressive life by achieving wholesome effect of Gyan and Guna. The completeness or Purnta (Sagar) of Gyan and Guna will yield the consciousness (awareness or Hosh) for having the vertical lift in worldly as well as spiritual life. Further, Guna & Gyan represents Shakti & Shiva respectively in Yoga. The same (Guna and Gyan) also represent energy and space in the scientific term.
Clarity related to Guna and Gyan with the help of Krishna Chariot
The image describes Krishna chariot (known to the reader) where Horse represent Energy (Guna) and rest of the chariot signifies Space (Gyan). Inside human space (Gyan) depends on Antahkarna (inner instrument) having Mana, Buddhi, Ahamkara and Chitta. The Reign corresponds to Mana (Mind), Lord Krishna corresponds to intellect (Buddhi), Arjuna resembles with Ahamkara (ego) and chariot signifies Chitta (stuff of mind, intellect and ego). When Guna (energy) and Gyan (space) become balanced then consciousness of Jiva which is also called Atma becomes effective. Before balancing of Guna and Gyan the intellect (Buddhi) is under the grip of mind and same is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Reader may recall the action of lord Krishna in two ways. When Arjuna was in Vishad (heavy grief), lord was functioning as a friend of Arjuna and gave the teaching under purest influence of Artificial Intelligence. Later on, when Arjuna has equalized his Guna (energy) and Gyan (space) then lord Krishna gave the sermon by utilizing His Cosmic Intelligence (CI).
This clearly indicates that when a person is fully balanced by equalizing his Guna (energy) and Gyan (space), he or she may reach the perfection (Sagar or consciousness) and ready to receive the unknown from Cosmic Intelligence.

The image also indicates that balancing of energy and space, by which human being can reach the domain of transcendental body (supreme reality).
Krishna Chariot and Hanuman Chalisa
The image describes the importance of Guna and Gyan of Krishna chariot related to Hanuman Ji and Human Being. In this context it is worthwhile to know that many terms have been used for Guna (energy) and Gyan (space). For example, equivalent terms used by the common mass, philosophy, yoga and science in respect of Gyan and Guna have been shown.

The image shows the equivalent term of Gyan & Guna and the same is given below:
i) Gyan (common term), Shiva (Yogic term), Purusha (Sankhya term), Space (Scientific term) is for manifestation and evolution. In Human body, it corresponds to different mental states (Conscious, subconscious and unconsciousness state).
ii) Guna (common term), Shakti (yogic term), Prakriti (Sankhya term), Energy (Scientific term) is for manifestation and evolution. In Human body, its corresponds different physical state (Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti)
How to reach Parmatma (Ram) by equalizing Gyan and Guna?
Hanuman Ji is a great yogi and he has equalized Guna and Gyan with the help of Ida and Pingla path. We know that in yoga, the left lobe of the hemisphere represents Guna (energy) and functioning at the right side of the body with the help of Vital force (Prana). Similarly, right hemisphere is concerned with Gyan (knowledge) and functions in the left side of the body with the help of mental force. When both are balanced (Ida and Pingla path), Sushumna (the path of consciousness or psychic force) opens up. Shri Hanuman Ji as yogi has sublimated all the three forces (Vital, Mental and Psychic) and reached to Shri Ram (supreme reality).

The image describes in brief that how Hanuman Ji has utilized his left and right hemisphere to get his Sushumna (the path of psychic force) opened up. It explains that Right Lobe representing Gyan (Space, Mind, Shiva, and Bhava) and Left Lobe representing Guna (Energy, Body, Shakti, and Karmna).
The characteristics on left lobe (the principle of stability due to Tamas, activity due to Rajas and Harmony due to Sattva) are dominated by Pingla path (the source of energy flow). Likewise, the characteristics on right lobe [the root of mind in respect of Sat (Subject), chit (Object) & Anand (relation of Subject & Object (S & O)] are dominated by Ida path (the expansion of Mind). Sushumna opens up when Ida & Pingla path are balanced and the same is directly connected with supreme reality (Ram) through top back of the head (Bindu Visarga).
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I need to to thank you for this good read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you book-marked to look at new things you postÖ
Thank you very much for showing interest and book marking the article for further use.
A N Pandey