Need of common platform for Scientists and Spiritual masters (Yogi) to reveal the unknown of the universe
By A N Pandey
Director, Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad
On the eve of International Yoga Day (on 21st June), the article on “Need of common platform for Scientist and Spiritual masters (Yogi) to reveals the unknown of the universe” is being published. In this connection, the analyses like i) Advantage of Common platform ii) The utility of meditation for scientist iii) Field of research in common platform and the same have been elaborated. As the scientists need “Intuitive Approach” to know the unknown from the universe, the importance of meditation in Yoga is also explored. The paper reveals the eight fundamental achievements of science namely i) Pythagorean Theorem ii) Newton’s Theory iii) Differential calculus (Maxwell’s) iv) Thermodynamics v) Schrodinger’s concept vi) Information theory vii) Einstein’s Theory or Quantum theory viii) Radio activities. They (eight achievements of Science) are compared with the facts mentioned in Veda, Upanishad and Bhagvad Gita. The spiritual facts are hidden in the inner core of human being, and the same requires the exploration with the help of meditation.
There is an appeal to the readers of scientific as well as spiritual communities to comment (if any) with explanation or reasoning so that the paper could be build up for better utility of the human beings.
Science explores the functional aspects of Nature (Prakriti) with the help of external laboratory; whereas Yoga explores the functional aspects of Nature (Prakriti) inside Human being. The comparison between scientific approach and findings of yogic approach has to be explored for the benefit of both (Scientist and Spiritual master) as they are trying to explore “The Real or The Absolute” in universe by one taking the external nature prevailing in the universe and another taking the Human nature prevailing inside human system.
Swami Vivekananda during his tour to the western world (after the world parliament speech on religion) was trying to show a common platform for the scientist as well as for the spiritual masters (especially for the Yogi and meditator) where both can exchange their result so that the world can enjoy the best possible result of Science and Yoga. Presently, some of the organizations like, and few other prestigious institutions like Bihar School of Yoga, Kaivalya Dham and Patanjali are working hard to establish the common platform for the exchange of views among the scientists and the Yogi.
In this connection, the facts like “What is Real in Science and Yoga?”; “what are the Parallel in Science and Yoga?” and “what are the achievements in Science and Yoga?” are to be brought for diving deep in respective subjects while discovering the unknown.
Advantage of Common platform is many for both (Scientist and Spiritual Masters). For example, in the knowledge of Common people, the utility of electron (fundamental particle) is many. Electrons are involved in many applications such as electronics, welding, cathode ray tubes, electron microscopes, radiation therapy, lasers, gaseous ionization detectors and particle accelerators. Likewise, other fundamental particles are also used in day-to-day life directly or indirectly but not known to the common mass. Similar kind of hidden knowledge related to these fundamental particles is available in Veda, Upanishad and Bhagvad Gita; which are also not know to the common mass. Yoga helps to reveal the same.
In the field of Yoga, the advantage of Pranayama and meditation to achieve “intuitive capability” as an added means to many Researchers (Scientists and Yogi).The research fields in Yoga are i) Health ii) Core management iii) What Yoga does to keep us in Present iv) Supramental Approach to unknown. The common platform will help to discuss, review and make a new hypothesis based on the knowledge derived in science and spirituality (Yoga). The Highest advantage of meditation is “Intuition capability”; which certainly helps in “Discovery” of “unknown” or mystery of the universe. The concentration, which scientist are able to do to the extent possible, the same will help to blossom them (scientist) to achieve “Inspirational Dimensions”, which are helpful to “investigate” the hidden aspects of universe.
The research fields are many but let us concentrate on certain fields namely i) Pythagorean Theorem ii) Newton’s Theory iii) Differential calculus (Maxwell’s) iv) Thermodynamics v) Schrodinger’s concept vi) Information theory vii) Einstein’s Theory or Quantum theory viii) Radio activities. Likewise, there are many theories or concepts mentioned in Veda, Upanishad, Bhagvad Gita and even in Hanuman Chalisa; which are equivalent to the concepts established by Scientists (mentioned above).
- Introduction:
Science explores the functional aspects of Nature (Prakriti) with the help of external laboratory; perceiving the facts with the help of measuring instruments like high quality electron microscope, telescope and footprints in cyclotrons or in colliders (underground tunnel); providing the utility of scientific achievements in three dimensions in the form of different material (matter). Since 200 years ago (especially in 20th century), the scientific achievement for the utility of Human being has to be applauded. Similarly, Yogic achievements where Yoga explores the functional aspects of Nature (Prakriti) inside Human being with the help of internal laboratory (Human Body); perceiving the facts by measuring instruments like Bio Plasmic force or flow, Different types of Brain wave and footprints in terms of feeling, experiencing, perseverance and awareness. By which, Yogi provides the benefits of his experience in terms of good health, courage, confidence, concentration, creative nature and intuitive aspects in human system.
The comparison between scientific approach and findings of yogic approach has to be explored for the benefit of both (Scientist and Spiritual master). The Comparison does not mean to show the superiority of science on yoga or vice versa. This is because, both (scientist and Yogi) are trying to explore “The Real” in universe by one taking the external nature prevailing in the universe and another taking the Human nature prevailing inside human system. It has been observed that the Human body is the replica of the universe. That’s why, human system is known as Microcosm and scientific approach is termed as Macrocosm.
Swami Vivekananda during his tour to the western world (after the world parliament speech on religion in Chicago) was trying to show a common platform for the scientist as well as for the spiritual masters (especially for the Yogi and meditator) where both can exchange their result so that the world can enjoy the best possible result of Science and Yoga. However, the same could not get materialized in actual practice. Presently, some of the organizations like, and few other prestigious institutions like Bihar School of Yoga, Kaivalya Dham and Patanjali and few more are working hard to establish the common platform for the exchange of views among the scientists and the Yogi. In this connection, the facts like “What is Real in Science and Yoga?”; “what are the Parallel in Science and Yoga?” and “what are the achievements in Science and Yoga?” are to be brought for diving deep in respective subjects while discovering the unknown. The common platform will help to discuss, review and make a new hypothesis based on the knowledge derived in science and spirituality (Yoga).
2. Advantage of Common platform
Application of Quantum and Particle Physics are many. Fundamental particles like Photon, Proton, Neutron, Electron and Neutrino play a vital role while formation of forces and four force carriers. The details are well known to the scientists but the same are also known by the yogi science inception of the universe; which has been endorsed by the Veda, Upanishad, Brahm sutra and Bhagvad Gita. One among them is electron which is widely known by the common people. Electrons play an essential role in numerous physical phenomena, such as electricity, magnetism, chemistry and thermal conductivity, and they also participate in gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions. Since an electron has charge, it has a surrounding electric field, and if that electron is moving relative to an observer, it will generate a magnetic field. Electromagnetic fields produced from other sources will affect the motion of an electron according to the Lorentz force law.
Electrons are involved in many applications such as electronics, welding, cathode ray tubes, electron microscopes, radiation therapy, lasers, gaseous ionization detectors and particle accelerators. Likewise, other fundamental particles are also used in day-to-day life directly or indirectly but not known to the common mass. Similar kind of hidden knowledge related to these fundamental particles is available in Veda, Upanishad and Bhagvad Gita. Yoga helps to reveal the same. Advantage of Pranayama and meditation helps to achieve “intuitive capability” as an added means to many Researchers (Scientists and Yogi). The research fields in Yoga are i) Health ii) Core management iii) What Yoga does to keep us in Present (Anchoring us to work or act in present movement) iv) Supramental Approach to unknown ( Spiritual capability to discover the universe).
The research fields in Yoga are i) Health ii) Core management iii) What Yoga does to keep us in Present (Anchoring us to work or act in present movement) iv) Supramental Approach to unknown ( Spiritual capability to discover the universe).
Many fields where “joint venture” are necessary are, “What is Real in Science and Yoga?”; “what are the Parallel in Science and Yoga?” and “what are the achievements in Science and Yoga?” are to be brought for diving deep in respective subjects while discovering the unknown. The common platform will help to discuss, review and make a new hypothesis based on the knowledge derived in science and spirituality (Yoga).
3. The utility of meditation for scientists
The Highest advantage of meditation is “Intuition” capability; which certainly helps in “Discovery” of “unknown” or mystery of the universe.
The concentration, which scientist are able to do to the extent possible, which blossom them (scientist) to achieve “Inspirational Dimensions”, which are helpful to “investigate” the hidden aspects of universe. But scientists certainly need to have more Intuition to discover or reveals the unknown.
4. Field of research in common platform
The intensive subjects for research in Science and Yoga could be in the field of i) Pythagorean Theorem ii) Newton’s Theory iii) differential calculus (Maxwell’s) iv) Thermodynamics v) Schrodinger’s concept vi) Information theory vii) Einstein’s Theory or Quantum theory viii) Radio activities
Science has already established the concepts and utility of these subjects directly or indirectly for common people. Likewise, there are many theories or concepts mentioned in Veda, Upanishad, Bhagvad Gita and even in Hanuman Chalisa; which are equivalent to the concepts established by Scientists (mentioned above). Both (Scientists and Spiritual master or Yogi) have to understand the findings of each other so that any correction (if required) could be implemented to achieve the best possible facts of the universe.
5. Brief research on eight achievements of Science and Yoga
Preliminary research about eight fields reveals the following
The image “Pythagorean theorem” describes briefly describes the achievement of Science and yoga. The ancient theorem, first recorded between 570-495 BC is a fundamental principle in Euclidean Geometry, and the basis for the definition of distance between two points. Pythagoras’s theorem also describes the relationship between the sides of the right triangle on a flat plane.
Pythagorean Theorem was discovered about 2500 years ago whereas, concept of meditation was established since Human inception (as mentioned in Satya Yuga or starting of Human life). Since then Yogi have discovered many things and uses the equilibrium geometry during meditation making holism among “Energy (Prana), Space (Mind) and consciousness (Chetana)”. Yogi also uses the same concept while transforming one chakra to another in Bahirang Yoga and also by finding distance in psychic tunnel in Antarang Yoga; which is also performed in meditation.
Utilization of Pythagorean Theorem by yogi:
Pythagorean Theorem is used in meditation when spine is supposed to be at 90 degree with respect to base of sitting posture. This Posture is must to have easy flow of energy in Ida and Pingla path. Higher aspect of Pythagorean Theorem is required when meditation is performed.
Human body is a complex geometry; but Yogi knows how to make the same simple by using three paths (Ida, Pingla and Sushumna). The energy (bio-plasmic force), space (mind) and consciousness (Chetna) are regulated to have harmoniously balanced state in these paths. The concept of Pythagoras theorem is used by a yogi while performing Asna, Pranayama and meditation. The posture designed for Asna, Pranayama and also the sitting posture adopted in meditation are made perfect by utilizing the scientific concept.
The image “Utility of Newton’s Law of Universal Force by a Yogi through Bio-plasmic (Prana) form” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. Newton’s law explains why the planets move the way they do, and how gravity works, both on earth and throughout the universe. First published in the principia in July 1687, the law of gravitation was the defacto reference equation for nearly 200 years until Einstein’s Theory of General relativity replaced it.
In universe, planets are moving and gravitational force is also working. Human beings are replica of the universe. In physiology, human organs are functioning under Apana Prana reflecting gravitational force of the universe. Yogi makes use of Apana Prana in such a way so that human system, organs, tissues and cells are functioning in the best possible efficiency to make them free from any disturbances and diseases. The utility of Apana Prana (Gravitational force in human system) is best known to the Yogi. Apana Prana (gravitational force) has limitation till energy (bio-plasmic force) and space (mind) are gross. When energy and space become subtle in the form of wave, Apana Prana helps them to get strengthened.
Apana Prana in human system works as gravitational force. Other organs of the body functions reflect the movement of the planet in space (universe) connecting through upper part of human body. Apana Prana works like gravitational force in body which drags upper Prana, specially Samana Prana (used for digestive system of body).When Samana Prana becomes weak people have poor digestive system and will be unable to maintain natural health. Apana Prana in required amount is needed for excretory system. Newton concept helps to purify and maintain Apana Prana with the help of different bandha used in yoga.
The law of “Action & Reaction” is changed in Meditation
“Newton’s law of action & reaction” is very famous law. Undoubtedly, this is nature’s law and is applicable till we remain under the grip of the nature. However, yogi changes this law and creates reaction (the result or fruit of action) into inaction (Akarma). This is possible only in yoga but not in science. How? Every action provides reaction as per nature’s law (endorsed by Newton).
The analysis shows that in yoga, we go to the backbone of action which is prana & the same is expanded in such a way that action loses its grip & the mind gets expanded as Chitta. When this is achieved (expansion of mind as Chitta or mind stuff in meditation), the fruit of action (in terms of reaction) gets erased. Though, the action is done but reaction of its result is not questioned. This is because, the mind is expanded into Chitta or mind stuff. This could be made clear by the example of devastating river, storm (hard windblown during devastation) & the hot scorching sun; when they do the action (seems to be cruel in nature) but not accounted for reaction after action. In meditation, this kind of scenario is achieved by expansion of mind in the field of Chitta & further dissolving the Chitta in self (Atman).
The calculation shown is the definition of the derivative in differential calculus, one of calculus’s two major branches. The derivatives measures the rate at which a quantity is changing. For example, if we are walking 2Km an hour, then we will change our position by 2Km every hour. During 1687, Newton used calculus to develop his law of motion and Gravitation.
The image “Maxwell’s Equation” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. Maxwell’s equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuit. Maxwell’s equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents and changes of the fields. The important consequence of the equations is that they demonstrate how fluctuating electric and magnetic fields propagate at a constant speed (c) in the vacuum, the “speed of light”; which is known as electromagnetic radiation, these waves may occur at various wavelengths to produce a spectrum from radio waves to γ-rays (gamma rays).
In Pranayama and meditation, How electric, magnetic and optical fields are generated by Yogi using charges (Mind), currents (Prana or Bio plasmic), and changes of the fields (Consciousness or Chetana) is an interesting phenomena. Yogi also knows how fluctuating electric and magnetic fields (Pure form of EMF) propagate at a constant speed (c) in the vacuum, (psychic tunnel) and obtains the “speed of light“at the time of Self realization (”Atmadarshan”) during deep meditation. At the higher stage of meditation, Yogi does the colliding approach between matter (of particle in nature) and anti matter (virtual particle in nature) to obtain the gamma rays so that the quantum possibilities could be achieved. These aspects are described in meditation.
Conceptual utility of Maxwell theorem in yoga
The practice of different mudra reveals approach for invention which is similar to the classical electromagnetism. The scientific classical electromagnetism reveals the invention aspect of mind; whereas classical mechanism (based on Newton’s concept) reveals the different approaches for invention of the four forces (Apana, Samana, Yana and Udana Prana working in the body). The classical mechanism is performed with the help of different Pranayama by Yogi.
Establishment of Maxwell’s concept by yogi
Maxwell’s theorem is widely used in meditation by yogi while evolution. In the process of self realization, yogi uses Maxwell equation while converting different forces (gravitational, a strong nuclear, weak nuclear and electromagnetic forces) into magnetic form. He or she, while uplifting them through spinal cord, brings the electromagnetic nature of the forces at the centre point between two eyebrows. The scientific law is used in Maha mudra, Khechari mudra and Yoni mudra which works as a catalyst for meditation.
Yogi uses this concept while experiencing the reduction of quantum energy. There is a process when quantum reduction takes place while energy flow happens from quantum domain (higher strata) to unconscious and conscious domain (lower strata).
Yogi experiences the less useful energy at lower strata or at lower Chakra of the body. For instance, energy below Manipur chakra (Navel centre) is unconscious and involunteer; where as energy and space at higher chakra (say at heart chakra or Anahata chakra and above) is very useful for dynamic and vibrant personality.
The image “The Second law of thermo dynamics” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. Rudolf Clausius’s law states that energy always flows from higher to lower concentration. It also states that whenever energy changes or moves, it becomes less useful. Formulated in 1865, it led to the development of technologies like inter combustion engines, Cryogenics and electricity generation
This fact (related to thermodynamics) is observed by Yogi and because of which Yogi has visualized different Prana (Vyana, Udana, Apana, Samana, Prana) in different field in combination with different particles. During establishment of Prana flow, the highest and purest form of EMF becomes crude till Prana becomes Apana Prana. However, Yogi finds every kind of energy more useful while evolution or quantum possibilities from matter to the highest source (consciousness).
Yogi uses this scientific principle with the help of different bandha like i) Moola bandha ii) Uddiyan bandha and iii) Jalandhar bandha; along with different Mudras like i) Maha mudra ii) Yoni mudra iii) Shambhavi mudra and iv) Kesari mudra so that harmoniously balanced effect is obtained on energy (prana) & space (mind). The bandha and mudra is a catalyst for deep meditation.
This equation describes how the quantum state of a quantum system changes with time. Developed by Australian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1926, it governs the behaviour of atoms and subatomic particles in quantum mechanics. Schrodinger’s equation paved the way for nuclear power, microchips, electron microscope and Quantum computing.
Yogi visualizes that how the process of cosmic dust, atomic particle and formation of electron, proton and neutron take place in the universe with time. The reversal process (while evolution process) also reveals the unification of nuclear configuration while Yogi is in deep meditation. This process is also described in Veda (the ancient wisdom of India). Veda describes the atomic particle wide its versus mentioned in rig veda; where atomic particles are named as i) Mitra (equivalent to electron) ii) Varuna (equivalent to proton) and iii) Aryama (equivalent to neutron). Veda describes the formation of atoms (basic building block), molecules, cellular mechanism, formation of brain and consciousness (Chetna) in different names. This indicates that atomic science presently discovered by the modern physicist is only the invention. This is because the discovery of the same has been mentioned in Veda since thousands of centuries ago.
The image “Schrodinger’s Equation” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. The concept of quantum mechanics related to atoms and subatomic particles is also perceived by the Yogi in the process of meditation. Through deep meditation, Yogi utilises atomic and subatomic concepts for Construction energy required for materialistic world and energy for invention by exploring the hidden potential available within. Yogi also uses the creative or discovery energy obtained by intuition in deep meditation for knowing the unknown.
Quantum system changes with Time are known as downward causation in quantum physics. To my (Author’s) knowledge, the downward causation is not yet fully explored by the science because of many paradigm of scientific concept are not yet resolved and answered clearly. In Yoga, especially in meditation, the upward causation (quantum possibilities or material causation) of science is known as “Evolution”; and downward causation (consciousness reduction) of science is known as “Manifestation” in meditation. In deep meditation, the Yogi answers most of the paradigm of science as fully evolved. He is capable of visualizing the whole universe with Intuitive (Pragya) capability during upward causation. In downward causation, the exploration of quantized energy is obtained where end product is the material (composed of Panch Mahabhootha). The meditation provides the best possible answers dealt with quantum as well as particle physics
Information theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the coding of information in the form of equation of symbols, and the speed at which that information can be transmitted. Applications of topics within information theory include data compression and channel coding. Research in the field was also instrumented in the development of the internet and mobile phones.
Yogi uses the scientific information theory while making the connectivity between brain neurons and stars of the universe. The same is also used in cellular biological mechanism where the information is transmitted between body cells and the brain. The information theory adopted in yoga is very helpful to diagnose and activate the corrective measures against germs and viruses acting on physiology, biology, cellular mechanism and also on DNA level.
Any viral attack at core (DNA or cell) level is processed and also gets repaired or corrected if one adopts the Yogic process like Pranayama and meditation; which in term, transmit the “Gyanagni” (special type of fire) to eliminate the viruses. The information coding is being exchanged between nuclei (surrounded by DNA and genes) and brain cells. Because of rapid information exchange and repaired mechanism followed, the yogi remains hail and healthy for long and live for more than hundred years without any problem.
The image “Information Theory” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. Human body (microcosm) is the replica of universe (macrocosm) but the same cannot contain the information existing in the universe. Yogi has developed spiritual information theory by activating and connecting the brain neurons with the stars of galaxy and obtains the unknown facts through “Intuition”. By this way, yogi is able to discover many unknown information of the universe with the help of higher stage of meditation using intuition as the same (intuition) provides the truth
The creation happens because of causation, time and space of the Absolute. This is known as manifestation of the subtlest substances (real). Reversal of the process of manifestation is known as Evolution; where time and space are eliminated .The quanta (eternal and infinite form of energy) could be obtained as the reduction of the same (quantum energy) in time and space is minimized or eliminated. The concept of quantum is well known to the Yogi which is being utilized at the time of meditation since thousands of years ago. This (evolution process) is similar to the concept of Einstein for obtaining the purest form of energy by his equation. Yogi uses the concept of relative evolution (similar to theory of relativity) when he or she is in lower stage of meditation at Agna Chakra and also at third eye where the energy is separated from space (mind) and kept for utility.
This kind of energy is known as third eye which has got three distinct ways of working like i) Extrovert (Downward) movement ii) Approaching to self (Atman) iii) Having quantum gems to reach the source (consciousness). The space which is also separated and the same evolve through Supramental range. Subtle form of mind (space) is withdrawn from the extrovert nature of the senses and expanded in deep sleep meditation. However, in meditation Yogi uses the quanta concept in real sense.
Einstein’s most famous undertaking is the generally accepted theory on the relationship between Space and time. First proposed in 1905, the theory of Relativity has both radically altered the course of physics, and deepened our knowledge of the universe’s past, present and future.
The image “Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and its use by a Yogi in Meditation” briefly describes the achievement related to Science and Yoga. In deeper aspect of meditation, the space (mind) becomes much enlarged. By which mind (space) becomes mind stuff and time phenomena stops or become stand still as energy becomes pure one. Einstein concept is used in deep meditation where discovery aspect of energy (intuition) characteristic is grown. The functional aspect of Einstein is better used in meditation process; where yogi turns extrovert energy into introvert one. Extrovert energy is used for material construction; whereas, introvert energy is used for invention of inner hidden aspect.
Continuum as paradigm of modern Physics gets clarity in Yoga
Physics now gone to the extent of realizing that there is a continuum which is the ultimate reality of the universe, and it is not physical or solid in its nature. How is it possible? The analysis reveals that — Solid can be converted into Liquid; Liquid can be converted into gases; Gases can be converted into the energy, and energy is not located in any particular place. Energy is not localized movement (non-locality); it is a continuum i.e., non special and non temporal.
This is a subject in modern physics which practically takes us to the conclusion of the Upanishads and Gita that “all action is a cosmic action”. This means that action is carried out because of continuum of Prana. When yogi evolves, he or she finally gets continuity of energy (surplus form) and the same is obtained during meditation. Yogi provides the name of third eye opening which indicates the continuum (non locality) of Prana. Though, non-locality of energy is a paradigm of physics, the yogi resolves this paradigm and makes the practitioner of meditation understand the continuum process.
Radioactivity is the bane against development of nuclear energy (boon of the scientific development). However, Yogi perceives the radioactivity in favour of realizing the absolute (god). In doing so, the yogi gets connected to the radioactive substances like alpha, beta, gamma and black matter of the universe (macro) through brain neurons (micro). When connectivity is established between brain neurons and the stars of the universe( which are beyond galaxy) , yogi picks up advantageous aspects of each particle and make use of the same as helping hand for further evolution and realization.
Yogi makes use of both (alpha and beta decay) happening in the universe and make use of the same for changing the original defective nuclei into another favorable nuclei of the chemical element. Likewise, Yogi makes use of the gamma decay for generating more photon in two ways. In human system we do have a strong nuclear force existing at heart centre and weak nuclear force at throat centre. The yogi makes use of the gamma decay of these two forces by generating the photon (light) to the extent possible without changing the chemical behaviour. Another way, yogi makes use of gamma rays of the universal energy available around the stars. At the time of meditation, Yogi strengthens the generation of photon (enlightened god particles). Adopting this method the infinite and eternal photon (the absolute or god) is realized by the yogi.
Fully evolved yogi like Hanuman ji, Patanjali, kapila muni, gorakh nath, matshyendra nath, Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda including Lord Buddha has clear clarity about dark matter. However yogi evolves adopting a particular channel or methodology might not get clarity about dark matter. This shows that when all parts of the brain is enlightened with the supreme reality (photon); the clarity about a dark matter will be obtained. This needs very high stage of meditation like “Psychic death meditation”. Yogi also perceives the expansion of universe because of dark matter and dark energy. However, this subject is not unknown for fully
The image “Radio Activity” briefly describes the achievements obtained by Science and Yoga. Radioactive decay transforms a nucleus by emitting different particles. In Alpha decay, the nucleus releases a 2H nucleus, an Alpha particle. In Beta decay, the Nucleus either emits an electron and Antineutrino (or a positron and Neutrino) or captures an atomic electron and emits a Neutrino. A Positron is the name for the antiparticle for the electron. Antimatter is composed of anti-particles. Both Alpha and Beta decays change the original nucleus into a nucleus of a different chemical element. In gamma decay, the nucleus lowers its internal energy by emitting a photon, a gamma ray. This decay does not modify the chemical properties of the Atom.
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A N Pandey