Proposal for Innovative Ionised plasma as vaccine for Covid-19
(Joint Venture of Plasma Physics and Spirituality)
Er. A.N. Pandey, M.E. “Hons”
Director, Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad, India
Covid-19 is a pandemic virus all over the world and many people are losing lives due to its exponential chain. Many treatments are being tried out but they are not providing the encouraging results. Present Day Plasma Therapy is carried out by taking conventional plasma from the person who already recovered from Covid-19. But this is not giving positive result.
In absence of any proven approach for Covid-19 vaccine, an integrated approach connected to modern science and also connected with spirituality (Vedic science) can be looked into. Fortunately, plasma physics related to interstellar, interplanetary & background domains and the Meditation of Antarang yoga (part of Aastang yoga) join hands together to obtain the authentic solution for the vaccine of Covid-19. This leads to joint effort between Scientist and Spiritual Masters to move together for finding the reality.
Brief of Plasma physics has been discussed and the relevant subject related to Interstellar, Interplanetary and Background domains have been analysed to achieve the ionization of plasma under fusion energy. The Effulgent Light (Gyana Agni) could be obtained by many methods like Tapas (Penance), Meditation and other means including Yajna.
Meditational approach connects different nuclei of the brain to the zones of Interstellar, Interplanetary and background zones of universe (cosmic space); so that the interaction between fusion energy and matter (blood plasma) is achieved for transformation of Gross Plasma into Ionized Plasma with the help of brain neurons. The validation of the concept provided in Veda, Bhagvad Gita and Quantum theory have been explored.
The connectivity between macrocosm (universe) and microcosm (human brain) are linked with help of brain neurons. Certain nuclei in the brain initiate connectivity. In deep meditation, brain neurons narrow down the gap between the universe and the brain. In this way, pure form of plasma can be obtained from a meditator or yogi. At that time, this kind of ionised plasma could be extracted from the meditator’s blood (donor) and after extraction of ionised plasma, the rest of the blood would be returned back to the meditator.
Gyana Agni is the domain where effulgent light exists. Bhagavad Gita describes the principles, process and procedure to obtain Gyana Agni (fire of knowledge). Lord Krishna states that like wood gets burnt in fire (agni), similar way all the imprints (papa and punya) gets burnt or destroyed in Gyana Agni.
The story of “Bones of Dadhichi (Dadhichi Haddi)” reminds scientists and spiritual master to plan for a research to obtain i) Ionised plasma and ii) Dry powder of ionised plasma. To obtain the results, the Challenging task is ahead before scientists and spiritual masters. The article “Proposal for Innovative Ionised plasma as vaccine for Covid-19” ensures to achieve preventive, curative and immune development capability against Covid – 19.
Proposal for Innovative Ionised plasma as vaccine for Covid-19
Covid-19 is a pandemic virus all over the world and many people are losing lives due to its exponential chain. Many treatments are being tried namely i) Plasma therapy ii) Plasma therapy with negative ions iii) Stem cells taken out from the spinal cord and its therapy. Among them, plasma therapy is widely talked about and the same is being carried out in the USA, India and elsewhere. But the results aren’t encouraging as the death rate isn’t getting controlled. Other kinds of therapy are also not full proof. In absence of any medical proven therapy, the alternate would be welcomed.
1. Present day scenario of Plasma Technique
Blood plasma is a ‘yellowish liquid’ component of blood that holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. It is the liquid part of the blood that carries cells and proteins throughout the body. It makes up 55% of the body’s total blood volume. Blood plasma is separated from the blood by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube. Fresh frozen plasma is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
Present Day Plasma Therapy is carried out by taking plasma from the person who already recovered from Covid-19. The plasma of recovered person (as a donor) is taken as antibody for the person who is suffering from Covid-19. The recovery result of the treated patient depends on the quality of plasma (as antibody) taken from donor (already recovered from Covid-19). This means that the recovery result of the patient depends on the quality of plasma based on the quality of antibody given to the new one. The medical result shows that if the patient is in the first stage of Covid-19 attack (when Covid-19 is trying to lodge in the body) and also for the initial level of the second stage.
The Second stage of Covid attack happens on the lungs. This kind of plasma therapy is not so successful in the second stage (when Covid-19 attacks on lungs) and also when multiple organs of the patient are defective (when the patient is suffering from diabetes, peptic ulcer, High BP etc). Because of this, present day plasma therapy is not very successful. Then what next? There could be many possible therapies like Su Jok (Korean therapy) and taking the antibodies from Bat (bird); but they are yet to be established.
It seems Innovative Ionised plasma could be the best possible solution for providing the shielding effect on RBC, WBC and Platelet. The concept reveals that Innovative Ionised plasma will be a better solution and will work like a strong antibody inside the human system which will work like a strong antibody for Covid-19.
2. Vision for Innovative Ionised Plasma Technique
Many trials are being conducted in world based on scientific framework, but there are not yet established. Another approach is planned based on Scientific (Plasma Physics) and Spirituality (Meditational aspect of Yoga); which seems to be valid as the same has back up of Modern Science (quantum theory) and Vedic Science (Veda and Bhagvad Gita). Fortunately, plasma physics related to interstellar, interplanetary & background domains and the Meditation of Aastang yoga join hands together to obtain the authentic solution for the vaccine of Covid-19. This leads to joint effort between Scientist and Spiritual Masters to move together for finding the reality.
2.1 Ionised Plasma
Ionised plasma is the fourth state of matter. To put it very simply, plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow species, ions and electrons, to coexist. Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons, often in conjunction with other chemical changes.
In deep meditation, Energy (Prana) and Space (Mind stuff) along with blood stream get connected to the respective energies of cosmos and retains their properties. This way, plasma of the meditators blood gets completely ionized. The same can be taken by medical expert and can also be quantified as vaccine. This kind of joint venture will surely yield a grand success.
2.2 Achievement of Ionised Plasma in Meditation
This kind of pure form of plasma can be obtained from a meditator or yogi or sadhaka who gets effulgent light in the complete portion of the brain and rest of the body. The meditator who dives deep down in meditation gets the awareness and vision of ‘Paramjyoti’ which is also known as Swaroopa of God (Parmatma). In Bhagavad Gita and elsewhere it is mentioned that Parmatma is Jyothi Swaroopa. When a person(meditator) gets this kind of visualisation for a longer time, say about 15-20 minutes or more constantly(not variable), complete blood plasma will get ionised.
At this moment, the blood plasma will reach to its highest purity. At that time, this kind of ionised plasma could be extracted from the meditator’s blood (donor) and after extraction of ionised plasma, the rest of the blood would be returned back to the meditator; like the process follows in ordinary plasma therapy. In this case, rest of the processing would be decided by the ICMR and expert medical doctors related to its quantity as a vaccine to the victims of Covid-19. Based on concept of plasma physics and ionised zone obtained in deep meditation, both (Plasma Physics in science and meditational aspect in yoga) could be analysed to provide the best possible solution for Covid-19 vaccine.
3. Plasma physics reveals Ionised Domains
Plasma in physics, an electrically conducting medium in which there are roughly equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles, produced when the atoms in a gas become ionized. It is sometimes referred to as the fourth state of matter, distinct from the solid, liquid, and gaseous states. Nearly all the visible matter in the universe exists in the plasma state, occurring predominantly in this form in the Sun & stars and in interplanetary & interstellar space.
3.1 Concept of plasma in interstellar region
Scientific Exploration of plasma in Extra-terrestrial forms is clearly discussed in Plasma Physics. It is observed that the universe originated as a violent explosion about 13.8 billion years ago and initially consisted of a fireball of completely ionized hydrogen plasma. This kind of explosion could be big bang when in a second energy and matter went back and forth accidently.
During the big bang, matter and energy could get exchanged thoroughly as per quantum law (e=mc2). This has made us to exist in different animate and inanimate forms. Irrespective of the truth of this, there is little matter in the universe now that does not exist in the plasma state. The observed stars are composed of plasmas, as are interstellar and interplanetary media and the outer atmospheres of planets.
Scientific knowledge of the universe has come primarily from studies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by plasmas and transmitted through them. The analysis shows that plasma and media between interstellar and interplanetary system along with atmosphere between planets and earth are the functional ingredients in cosmos. It is well known fact that energy (networking) and space (trafficking) balance the existence of stars, planets and earth in the universe.

After the big bang, four kinds of forces got established in the universe and they are i) Electromagnetic force (EMF) ii) Weak nuclear force iii) Strong nuclear force and iv) Gravitational force. These forces are responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of interstellar, interplanetary and the background domains of the universe.
3.2 Scenario between stars and solar system
The domain between star and solar system is supposed to be hydrogen rich and fusion energy is obtained in this region. In a star, the plasma is bound together by gravitational forces, and the enormous energy it emits originates in thermonuclear fusion reactions within the interior. Heat is transferred from the interior to the exterior by radiation in the outer layers, where convection is of greater importance. In the vicinity of a hot star, the interstellar medium consists almost entirely of completely ionized hydrogen, ionized by the star’s ultraviolet radiation. Such regions are referred to as H-II regions.
The greater proportion by far of interstellar medium, however, exists in the form of neutral hydrogen clouds referred to as H-I regions. Because the heavy atoms in such clouds are ionized by ultraviolet radiation (or photoionized), they also are considered to be plasmas, although the degree of ionization is probably only one part in 10,000. Plasma physics talks about Interstellar state, where “Fusion” energy exists because of missing mass at the time of formation of helium from hydrogen atoms. Application of Quantum equation (e=mc2) convert missing mass into fusion energy. This (fusion energy) intern provides Ionisation to existing plasma.
3.2.1 Possibility of Ionised Plasma in Meditation
In meditation, background plasma works in interstellar region (scientific discovery) shows the parallel function in the human brain, where interstellar mechanism works between weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force regions in human system. During meditation, the transformation of ionised plasma in interstellar region provides illumination (light), which is also known as “Fire of Knowledge or Gyana Agni”. It is similar to the utility aspects of ionised plasma discovered in science.
4. Principle, process and purpose of deep meditation
Generally, different techniques of meditation are available in the world. Most of them are based on the evolution aspects of Jivatma from “Ashdha Prakriti (8 limbs of nature)”. The Panch Maha Bhoota (earth, water, fire, air and ether) associated with energy (prana) and inner instruments (Antahkarna) dominated with space or mind (manas). Nature (Ashdha Prakriti) grabs Jivatma; and the same has to evolve to acquire the stable states of its origin (soul or atma).
Bhagvad Gita defines that the soul (atma) is the source of effulgent light. To achieve this, systematic meditation technique developed by spiritual masters (like Patanjali, and Matsyendranath) has to be adopted for achieving the evolution of jivatma. The meditation technique described by many spiritual masters like Patanjali and Paramhansa Yogananda have given the emphasis on “Kriya yoga” while doing the meditation. Kriya Yoga mainly works like a catalyst to enhance the meditation.
4.1 Development of Nuclei in Human System at SAP, Hyderabad
SAP, Hyderabad have evolved Nuclei meditation (Bindu Dhyana) taking the special features from many existing techniques. Brain along with Body model developed at SAP, Hyderabad consists of six nuclei where “The Absolute” has its main role. The image explains the nuclei number 1 as the place for the absolute as Brahman. Nucleus number 2 denotes the place of Bindu Visarga or Third Ventricle as point of Adi Yajna. In case of nucleus number 3 existing in between two eye brows and known as Upper Agna representing Adi Deva.
Similarly, nucleus number 4 denotes the place where three endocrine glands (pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus) are enclosed and the same represents the domain of Karma. Likewise, nucleus number 5 denotes the place for Jivatma to exist as the point of Adyatam. In case of nucleus number 6 denotes the place of physical world (Bhoutik loka). These nuclei have been developed based on the conversation between lord Krishna and Arjuna in the beginning narrated in 8th chapter of Bhagvad Gita. In addition, the development of this nucleus is endorsed by Tattva Suddhi explanation and Yoga Chudamani Upanishad.
4.2 What Meditation does?
For meditator, major four nuclei are important to get evolved. These are i) Lower Agna (Nuclei No.4) ii) Upper Agna (Nuclei No.3) iii) Bindu Visarga (Nuclei No.2) and iv) Turiya (Nuclei No.1) as shown in the image. They are the major nuclei for Creation Development Center (CDC).

Lower Agna is the major nuclei being the junction of three endocratic glands of physical body and they are pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus. This point resembles with earth planet of the universe and denoted by Nuclei number 4 in human brain. Upper Agna is the point between two eye brows (nucleus no. 3). This point exists as the sinusitis point of physical body. This resembles with sun planet of the universe. Likewise, Bindu Visarga (nucleus no. 2) is known as third ventricle in medical world. This point exists below where Brahmins keep Shika (extra-long hair) at top back of the head. This resembles with moon planet of the universe. Turiya (nucleus no. 1) is known as fourth point in spiritual world. In the same manner, this exists at top of the head and known as Brahmarandhra. This exists at top region of the stars.
4.2.1 Connectivity between Nuclei of Human Brain and Interstellar Domain
These four points (nuclei number 1, 2, 3, 4) are evolved in human brain and they are getting connected to the different zones of interstellar domain of the universe through brain neurons. Let us analyse the same with an example. For instance, the nuclei among 1, 2 &3 denote the region between interstellar and solar planetary system. The nucleus number 2 & 3 respectively represents the domain of space (trafficking) and energy (networking) of interstellar zone. These nuclei are the basis for joining brain neurons with the interstellar and solar system. Similarly, the region between nuclei 3 & 4 denotes the processing between solar system and earth through brain neurons.
The fusion energy, which is due to missing mass after completing the reaction produced while formation of helium exists in the region of universe. This (Fusion energy) destroys or burns the imprints of human karma or action already existing as sanchit karma (accumulated action) and agamya karma or imprints due to present day action. Similarly, the crown hemisphere (first nucleus) of human body represents beyond the interstellar region of the universe as a controller.
5. How Meditator (Yogi) gets connected with Universe?
The brain neurons are the convertors of media in between human universe (microcosm) and Brahmand or universe (macrocosm). In Nath Sadhana, it is clearly stated that the individual consciousness of the Yogi evolves to the state where Neurons of the brain cells get connected with the hundred billion stars. When hundred billion neurons of Brain are connected with the hundred billion star of Galaxy, then the cosmic consciousness is said to be expressed; which is in the form of effulgent light or Gyana Agni.
The meditational aspect where connectivity is being established between microcosm (human brain) and macrocosm (universe) is also endorsed by Bhagvad Gita; where effulgent light (the mirror image of Parmatma or the absolute) is obtained at soul (atman).

The image describes “Connection of brain cells with cosmic stars” while meditation in Nath Panth. Similar kind of scenario is obtained in every kind of meditation. Other Meditation system including Nath Panth clearly interlinks the cosmos with brain neurons for finding “unknown” of the universe. In turn, the “unknown” reveals the mystery of the universe.
5.1 Bhagvad Gita in support of Fire of Knowledge (Gyana Agni)
To achieve Gyana Agni (fire of knowledge), the different techniques have been described in Bhagvad Gita and Yogic Concepts (meditational aspects of yoga). The techniques are the possible solution for obtaining Gyana Agni. There would be many methods to establish the domain of Gyana Agni (kshetra or field for fire of knowledge). It (Bhagvad Gita) provides many methods to establish the Gyana Agni by means of i) tapas or penance ii) Yoga iii) adopting the process of ahimsa or nonviolence iv) swadhyaya or self-study and v) Tattva Gyana. Any one method could be explored to achieve the fire of knowledge (Gyana Agni). Gyana Agni is the domain where effulgent light exists. Effulgent light (the mirror view of the absolute or Parmatma) is obtained by the religious practitioner known as Tapasvi (who are doing penance), performer of Yajna, Meditator and thinker having no desire for the fruits of karma (action). They take the effulgent light as Gift (Prasadha of the absolute or Parmatma). It describes the principles, process and procedure to obtain Gyana Agni (fire of knowledge). In Bhagvad Gita, Gyana Agni is defined as fire of knowledge in verse number 37 of 4th chapter. The verse is as follows:

Lord Krishna states that like wood gets burnt in fire (agni), similar way all the imprints (papa and punya) gets burnt or destroyed in Gyana Agni. In Bhagvad Gita, it is also stated that sun provides the light throughout the universe; likewise soul (Atma) provides the light in human brain and body which is the point of Gyana Agni (fire of knowledge). At this point, imprints of previous birth get destroyed at the time of meditation and only effulgent light exists during meditation. This way all collected imprints and present day imprints are getting destroyed in each sitting of meditation and finally individual human becomes the divine.
The verse number 37 from 4th chapter of Bhagvad Gita defines the effectiveness of Gyana Agni. The source of Gyana Agni is also expressed in Bhagvad Gita, where soul if determined as source of light for the body. This means that the main source or place of Gyana Agni is the existence of eternal soul which could be obtained at Bindu Visarga (top back of the head) or at third ventricle. Bhagvad Gita states the achievement of this point as “Sthiti Pragya”.
6. Veda and Modern Science support the concept of Ionised Plasma
Veda reveals the collision principles of science for matter and antimatter. The same exposes Yajna process for obtaining the domain of Gyana Agni. When meditator offers Apana Prana into Prana or vice versa and also follows the retention of Apana Prana & Prana together and the same is offered to main prana; then meditator achieves Gyana Agni at Bindu Visarga (third ventricle) at top back of the head. In this evolution process atomic structure (Basic Building Block) gets transmuted into atomic particle; which is the subtlest and purest form.
In meditation, this kind of process is achieved in the collider, similar to the process carried out in modern science. In this process, all the particles vanish by transmitting old particles into new one. In case of deep meditation, transformation of Prana (energy) and Mind (space) brings new kind of scenario which is known as Gyana Agni. The transmutation can be understood by colliding Matter and Antimatter which annihilate each other and new energy is formed which is known as Gamma rays.
6.1 Gamma rays formation in Meditation
The scientific concept obtained during collision of matter and antimatter can easily be obtained in deep meditation. The approach carried out in meditation in collider (spinal cord) is similar to the experiment conducted by the scientist. This approach has been mentioned in Vedic science. Veda has declared many occasions that effulgent light (Parmatma or God) is the permutation and combination (Samyog) of Atomic particles and the same (Veda) has given their (Atomic particles) name. They are namely i) Mitra (negative charge atomic particle) ii) Varuna (positive charge atomic particle) and iii) Aryama (neutral charge atomic particle). In this connection, Rig Veda states vide its mantra number Rig – 1-136-2 which is as follows:-

Veda Mantra reveals that an in-equilibrium (Asamyavastha) powerful effulgent light blossoms out in the form of bright light spark under the rules of nature (Prakriti). This kind of light (effulgent light) can be captured in Meditation. At that time, atomic particles like Mitra, Varuna and Aryama get formed in cosmos. They are in large quantities making the big storage in nature (Prakriti).
The names of atomic particles (Mitra, Varuna and Aryama) revealed by this mantra and the same are equivalent to names of the atomic particle mentioned in modern science. For instance, Mitra Apah (atomic particles) of Veda is equivalent to electrons of modern science. Similarly, Varuna Apah (atomic particles) of Veda is equivalent to proton of modern science. Likewise, Aryama Apah (atomic particles) of Veda is equivalent to neutron of modern science.
Agglomeration of atomic particle in the region of electromagnetic field provided the illumination in the form of gamma rays. It (Gamma rays) is defined as the power of God or Parmatma as the same is agglomeration of photon or effulgent light and remaining exists as massless atomic particle (Apah) containing negative (-), positive (+) and neutral (0) charges. The concept is also endorsed by the legacy of E=mc2.
6.2 Quantum Equation (E=mc2) reveals the presence of effulgent light
Nucleus Science states that different types of energies exist to balance the universe (cosmos). For instance, fission energy (in terms of barrage of heat) is being conducted between crust of planets and fissionable materials (like thorium and uranium) in earth. Likewise, fusion energy is being used in between sun and stars converting the missing mass into energy. Similarly, higher form of energy (photon) exists in the deeper region of the stars and stabilising ionised mass. The phenomena happening in the universe (cosmos) could also be achieved in deep meditation. This means that the meditator can achieve similar kind of scenario in deep meditation.
Legacy of E=mc2 endorses the achievement of effulgent light along with Vedic science (Bhagvad Gita). The effulgent light obtained and explored by quantum physics (E=mc2) is equivalent to the domain of Gyana Agni expressed in Bhagvad Gita. Different methods for obtaining Gyana Agni are given in scripture including Bhagvad Gita. The meditator follows the principle and process of Antarang yoga explained in Aastang Yoga to obtain the same with the help of deep meditation.
The legacy of E=mc2 explores the domain where speed of light (representing c2) is obtained where energy and mass are equal. The meditator achieves this domain in deep meditation. This shows that quantum equation also provides the possibility for obtaining the effulgent light where fusion energy can be obtained for acquiring ionized plasma of the blood. The complete process and methodology can be summarized for utility of ionized plasma in human blood.
7. Conclusion
In brief, neuron of human brain connects the meditator to respective regions of interstellar, interplanetary and background zone of the universe. In this process, the blood stream gets ionised. For instance, the background ionisation at nucleus number 4 (above the Earth at Lower Agna) can ionise the blood plasma and the same will work as base as platelet. This will work as preventive method in case of any virus or Covid attack. Similarly, when the brain neuron of nucleus zone of 3 at upper Agna will get connected to solar system (sun), the ionisation of Red Blood Cells (RBC) will be effective. In this case, the ionised blood plasma of RBC will work like curative approach against any virus.
Likewise, when brain neurons of nucleus number 2 at Bindu Visarga get connected to interstellar zone of the universe, the base ionised plasma attached with White Blood Cells (WBC) will get ionised. The same can work like immune development system against any virus or Covid 19. In deep meditation, the effulgent light which is the Swaroopa of the Absolute or Parmatma is obtained. At that time, the plasma (base of the blood stream) gets ionised. The same can work like preventive, curative and immune development capability for any individual.
It is interesting to note that the story of “Bones of Dadhichi (Dadhichi Haddi)” reminds scientists and spiritual master to plan for the research to obtain i) Ionised plasma and ii) Dry powder of ionised plasma. To obtain the results, the challenging task is ahead before scientists and spiritual masters. The story states that dried bones of “Dadhichi” were taken by Indra as “Bazra Weapons” against Ashura (evil powers). Similar scenario could be achieved, if both (scientist and spiritual master) get this kind of methodology.
It is believed that the combination of these three approaches (preventive, curative and immune development capability) is the property of the vaccine required for Covid-19. In conclusion we can say that the innovative ionised plasma obtained during meditation could be the scientifically obtained vaccine for Covid-19.
3. Srimad Bhagvad Gita (Tattvavivecani); Jayadayal Goyandaka; Gita Press, Gorakhpur – 2017
4. Tattwa Suddhi; Swami Satyasangananda; Yoga Publications Trust, Bihar – 1992
5. Yoga Chudamani Upanishad; Swami Satyadharma; Yoga Publication Trust, Bihar – 2003
6. Science or Veda; Guru Dutt; Hindi Sahitya Sadan, New Delhi.
7. Science speaks on Spirituality related to Nature, Quantum Reduction and Consciousness; Er. A.N.Pandey; Published in

How did you come to think on this theory?
Is there a clinical trial done on the same?
Although sounds reality, how scientific is it?
Great going, looks like lot of research has gone in. Hope it also gets a scientific approval. All the best.
Dear Vishu,
It is good that you have many queries related to this proposal. This proposal came to me during my meditation that how the presence of effulgent light could ionized our blood cells and plasma. Later on, i have verified this with the help of plasma physics and achievement obtained in deep meditation. Both (scientific and spiritual) concepts could help me to arrive for the joint venture to obtain Covid-19 vaccine. Regarding your second query, no clinical trial has yet been done. This is because, medical world has to get involved for segregating the ionized plasma and quantifying the same as vaccine for Covid-19. In due course, medical world will be convinced to take up the joint venture.
Related to your third query, it has full backup of the domain of plasma physics, where interstellar, interplanetary and background (earth) nuclear science is dealt with. In addition, Dr. Meghanath Saha who was Astrophysicist and one of the contributor for quantum theory from India, clearly hinted the role of ionization in chemistry. His concept is another scientific backup for this proposal.
Thank you very much for encouraging this proposal to take a three dimensional form in due course.
With kind personal regards,
I am trying to publish the following abstract in American Physical Society.
Title: The Implications of Our Research on Alzheimer’s/Consciousness.
The ever increasing size of the dynamic universe in Planck lengths must alter the possibilities of the brain particles’ interactions/entanglements, and the ON/OFF information they create per applicable references in [1]. If the idea of a female monkey to train her babies to communicate could result in human RNA/DNA, such process may cause the mutation of a new virus under favorable conditions. The book [2] refers last century’s quantum gravity by Penrose, but not [1] and/or string theory, despite [1] addressing Feynman’s view, raising questions if it supports reality. The small quantum gears on the cover pages of [1, 2] drive the cosmic gears of gravity. [1] Goradia SG (2019) The Quantum Theory of Entanglement and Alzheimer’s. J Alzheimer’s Neurodegener Dis 5: 023. [2] Cobb M. (2020) The Idea of the Brain – the past and future of neuroscience, Basic Books, New York. Key Words: Quantum Entanglement, Mutation. Note: The view is consistent with Goradia’s APS abstract DPP20-2020-000006, submitted about the end of June, 2020.
Respected Shantilal Goradia,
Thank you very much for your query. I wish a grand success of your publication. Certain points you may consider if the same suit to you. They are as follows:
The ever increasing size of the dynamic universe is going to effect the brain neuron’s function and brain cell’s function as number of brain neurons are almost equal to the number of stars in the universe. Both (neurons and stars) are having chemical changes and they are conducive to each other. By this way, the interaction or entanglement related to ON/OFF information in the brain will bring the interstellar information or happenings. This was explained by the slide (Connectivity between Science and Yoga) Presented in my webinar where I explained Human Brain interaction with the interstellar zone under the principle of Plasma physics.
Any exchange in information to the developing Brain cells (like baby monkey) can certainly rearrange the sequence of DNA or RNA at Nucleus. If cytoplasm (energy domain of the brain cell) is not quite adequate, there will be weak protoplasm in the cell and that may result the exposure of new virus; by which mutation (sequential arrangement) of DNA and RNA happens. For this, Please refer my first slide (DNA within Nucleus and RNA within cytoplasm) presented in my Webinar.
I have not seen the Book of Dr. Penrose on quantum gravity. Hence, I cannot comment on his view. I have also not seen your article “The Quantum Theory of Entanglement and Alzheimer’s. J Alzheimer’s Neurodegener”. However, I have downloaded the same from the net and I will go through in future. At present, I cannot communicate or dialogue with you on this Subject.
My webinar link is:
With Kind Personal Regards,
A N Pandey.
Dear sir
Good morning and happy day.
I am happy to get associated with you. Wonderful information with innovation and creativity. Congrats for your concern and commitment.
Looking forward to join in the proposed webinar on 26th July.
With thanks
Thank You Sir for encouraging me.
With kind personal Regards,
A N Pandey
It is very important for scientific researchers, doctors, spiritual research es, Bhagavadgeeta readers who want health, krama multi/jeevanmukthi to establish peaceful samajam.
Thank You Reddy Sir for your nice comment.
dear Pandey
all that is favorable to Positive Health is necessary and vital in this period where the normative health is too much pushed .
Positive Health is linked with values : Life, living, freedom, responsibility, prevention, respect
Thanks for you very much for your interest shown in IONISED PLASMA
A N Pandey
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Thank you very much for showing your deep interest on my Article. “A joint venture as proposal to obtain ionized plasma in midst of its (covid-19) boons and banes scenario” is in pipeline and the same is likely to take the book form by middle of september 2023. If you are interested, the free author copy can be sent to you by my publisher; if you provide your consent on my email (
with kind personal regards,
A N Pandey
My heart goes out to you. I pray your son finds peace in mind and heart. May God bless you and your family with sunnier days ahead. Chase Bearce
Thank you for showing your Interest in Ionized Plasma. a book on this proposal is likely to be published and the gist of the same will be published on website (
with regards, A N Pandey
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A N Pandey
Thanks for your good wishes,
A N Pandey
Thank you very much for showing the concern about covid-19. The joint venture of modern science and spirituality is still on to get the “Ionised Plasma”; which can be as a medical alternative against any killer viruses including covid-19. A book on the “proposal to obtain ionised plasma in midst of its (covid) boon and bane scenario” is in pipeline and the same can be sent to you, if you provide your consent.
with kind personal regards,
A N Pandey
Thank you very much for understanding my views to obtain ionzied plasma. Let us hope for the best to have a joint venture; so that, human civilization may get a good solution for any killer diseases.
A N Pandey