Hanuman Chalisa For Holistic Living
Prof A N Pandey, Director, Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad
under the guidance of
Dr. Hr Nagendra (Guruji), Chancellor, SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru
On the occasion of “9th International Yoga Day on June 21st “, please find the article on “Hanuman Chalisa for Holistic Living”. Hanuman Chalisa and Yoga are two different Subjects. But, they have many similarities; Because of this, “ Hanuman Chalisa” is having unique features to become supplementary to yoga. For example, According to the UNO declaration, people should enjoy physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual health in complete order. UNO endorses the concept of complete health given by Maharshi Patanjali. Similarly, Shri Tulsidas Ji has prayed to Shri Hanuman Ji (as a guru) to get the boons of four divine qualities (Strength, Positive emotion, intellect, and wisdom) which are parallel to the concept of UNO and Maharshi Patanjali Concept.
The Hindi Book “Hanuman Chalisa for sab keliye” was written in 2013 under the guidance of Dr. H R Nagendra (Guruji), chancellor, SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru; wherein chapter-8 of Part 5 was related to Holistic Living. The book “Hanuman Chalisa for Sab Keliye” is available on www.yogicconcepts.in for free reading and downloading. The English Translation of the same is in the press.
In this connection, it is to be noted that the comparison of Holistic living declared by UNO and the same as having the endorsement of the concept of Yoga given by Rishi Patanjali. In the 17th century, a similar kind of vision was expressed by Shri Tulsi Ji while requesting Shri Hanuman Ji to provide him with four boons connected with Bala, Buddhi, Vidya, and Klesh Vikar. Which in turn, supports the concept of Ashtanga Yoga and the Declaration of UNO for Holistic Living?
The UNO declaration was given to the movement by Mananiya Shri Narendra Modi Ji, The prime minister of India; So, the vision of Rishi Patanjali, Shri Tulsi Das Ji, and charted declaration of UNO can be remembered as international yoga day for Human Kind. This day reminds us of “the concept of Ashtanga Yoga” to achieve Holistic Health. The whole world is grateful to Shri Narendra Modi Ji, The Prime Minister of India for his valuable contribution by advising UNO to declare yoga day for the exploration of Human Personality.
In brief, Hanuman Chalisa describes the concepts of “Energy, Space, and Consciousness established by Hanumanth Tattva”; which illumines entities (tattva) at the doorstep of the truth (Shri Rama). This Tattva (Hanumanth Tattva) is also known as “Guru Tattva”; which in turn, provides the devotee to achieve the “Knowability from Unknown of nature”. The Hanuman Chalisa elaborates on the methodology to achieve the same (Know ability from the unknown of nature).
It is a well-known fact that the strength and courage of hanuman ji are exhibited in Ramayan valet at many eastern zones of Asia, countries like Cambodia, Srilanka, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, and India. The upcoming documentary, “Lost City of the Monkey God,” which airs Oct. 31 1990 on the Science Channel Indicates the existence of Shri Hanuman Ji in “The Isthmo Columbian region of the America since century. In addition, steve jobs (ex-CEO of apple) once visited and meditated in the temple, and mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) also visited the hanuman temple at kainchi dham (Nainital of Uttarakhand); where they explore the power of Shri Hanuman ji to get “Knowability” from Unknown of Nature.
In this way, The Article “Hanuman Chalisa for Holistic Living” adds a feather to the cap of international yoga day.
1.0 Hanuman Chalisa and Health
Now – a – days, many types of diseases are endorsed by visiting dispensaries and hospitals at every corner of the towns and cities. There are many super specialty hospitals in every city but the number of patients seems to be still larger than the medical facility available. Holistic life needs to tackle the illness or disease at its root but unfortunately; medical science does not reach the root of the disease. This science (medical science) understands the types of disease, the reason for the disease, and the remedy for the disease. But, science does not have any methodology to reach the root of the disease; because of this, the disease is not completely cured but gets minimized and postponed. To understand the need and essential function of the root, Lord Buddha gave the Four Noble Paths of the Universal Concept; by which, any kind of problem including the disease could be tackled up to its root.
Shri Tulsidas ji has given the methodology for a healthy life in Hanuman Chalisa. During the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa on inhalation and exhalation cycle (a kind of Pranayama), the same maintains the purity of health in life. This is because; the prana (vital energy) gets circulated even to the diseased cells of the system. The proper way for the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa comprises Puraka (Longer breath in inhalation), Inner Kumbhak (Retention of the breath at the end of inhalation), Rechak (Long exhalation or breath out), and Vahya Kumbhak (Retention of breath at the end of exhalation) fulfill the complete cycle of healthy Pranayama. Through this process, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits in health could easily be obtained.
In medical science, the reason and remedial aspects of the chronic disease are tackled and the living pattern is somehow maintained. Hanuman Chalisa takes the Prana (energy) up to the root of the disease which is called Adhi (root) for the Vyadhi (disease). Upanishad and Yoga Vasistha Maha Ramayana clarify the point of Adhi & Vyadhi and also provide the remedial solution to reach the root (Adhi).
For example, the pineal gland starts drying up or progressively becoming active and the same can be kept vibrant by reciting Hanuman Chalisa properly. This gland (pineal gland) is very essential for the development of Medula and also for a disease-free life. In addition, proper recitation of Hanuman Chalisa brings the equilibrium condition among the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and unconscious mind too.
The pure mind makes us free from insomnia as well as another kind of mental stress due to worldly problems. Frequently reciting Hanuman Chalisa is one of the reasons to keep better health for people living in hilly terrain as well in Plain Areas.
2.0. Definition of Complete Health and Yoga
It is observed that the basic need for the people is to have i) bread & butter ii) clothing and iii) shelter (building) to lead a healthy life. After this, the people think of additional facilities like connecting roads, electricity, and communication facility. By achieving all this, we feel to be self-sustained and healthy people. Similarly, for healthy life we must have initial needs like “Yuktahar Viharasyacha…”, or Proper food and controlled amusement and healthiness of five sheaths; which resembles bread & butter, clothing, and shelter requirements. Likewise, the purity of Nadi and Chakra (energy center) of the body resembles the peripheral requirement of the living like electricity, road, and communication management. By obtaining these, there will not be any hindrance to the smooth flow of Bio Plasmic energy (Prana) to keep us in a healthy condition
In brief, it can be analyzed that the healthiness of five sheaths (Panchakosha) and bioplasmic energy (prana) are the major requirements to maintain a Holistic life. According to UNO guidelines, a Holistic life is comprised of i) physical ii) emotional iii) mental, and iv) spiritual. This kind of definition of UNO endorses the concept given by Maharshi Patanjali while showing the essential need for Aastang Yoga.
In the 17th century, Shri Tulsidas ji has given four domains to achieve purity in a Holistic life and they are namely i) Bala (Strength) ii) Klesh Vikar (Negative emotion to be removed) iii) Buddhi (Intellect) and iv) Vidya (Knowledge). These centers exist in our body at the Navel center (Manipura chakra), Heart center (Anahata chakra), Throat Center (Vishudhi chakra), and Point between two eyebrows (Agna chakra). All three definitions (UNO, Patanjali, and Shri Tulsidas ji) are summarized in the self-explanatory image.

The image clarifies how the definition of UNO for sound health resembles the concept given by Tulsi das ji and also the Yogic concept given by Maharshi Patanjali. A similar kind of concept given by Lord Buddha is to have sound health by reaching the root of the problem.
3.0 The Four Noble Paths of Buddha
Medical science has not obtained the clarity to keep up sound health throughout life. Lord Buddha found the reasons for not maintaining a disease-free life. The Four Noble Paths of Buddha clarifies why the world could not achieve a person free from disease or any kind of problems.
To understand the need and essential function of the root, Lord Buddha gave the Four Noble Path as Universal Concept; by which, any kind of problem including the disease could be tackled up to its root. For instance, he said that i) disease exists ii) there is a reason for the disease iii) there is a remedy for the disease, and iv) there is a root from where the disease springs up. This kind of concept (the four noble paths of Buddha) applies to disease, poverty, education, terrorism, social crime, or any kind of problem in day-to-day life.

According to Lord Buddha, till we tackle the root of the disease (which is Adhi); one cannot retain sound health throughout the life.
According to “Yoga Vashishta Maha Ramayan”, The mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha) is the root of the disease. That is why, the mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha) is taken as part of Human Physics; though, the same exists in the lowest part of the brain. To have purity in the mental sheath, Meditation is the just possible practice to erase or minimize the imprints that exist in that. In meditation, the mental sheath is covered under “Lower Agna” which is the bottom joint of the skull just above the Upper Jaw behind the tonsillitis point.
In an intellectual sheath (Vigyanmaya Kosha), there is no trace of physical disease unless deep imprints exist. The mental sheath keeps the seeds (Beeza) of psycho and soma. The seeds could be due to tension, unfavorable problems, and hidden imprints. The mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha) could be the source of fear, deep anger, anxiety, and depression. But when positive emotion is developed in Manomaya Kosha (mental sheath), there will be the development of tolerance, acceptance, appreciation, and love. The Same (Positive Emotion) can easily be developed by reciting Hanuman Chalisa and also by practicing Ashtanga Yoga given by Maharshi Patanjali.
Shri Tulsi Das Ji, Shri Hanuman Ji, and Shri Ram Ji, all were free from physical ailments; this is because they had no hidden imprints at mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha) as well as they were fully developed in the intellectual sheath (Vigyanmaya Kosha) & bliss sheath (Anandmaya Kosha). In the age of the rat race, physical strength (Bala) is very important and one can learn from the concept of celibacy adopted by Shri Hanuman Ji. The observation of celibacy should be carried out in the mental domain, physical domain, and spiritual domain (Vani). The illness is visible or felt in different systems of the body but its roots are somewhere else internally.
4.0 Root of Disease
The five sheaths of the body are the container for complete energy (urja) of the mini-universe (human body). Generally, it is observed that sickness or disease is i) physical ii) emotional, and iii) psychological. But the roots are somewhere else.
The image indicates that the root of every kind of disease exists in the mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha). The knowledge of mental sheath is very essential along with the all other four sheaths of the human body. In this sheath (mental sheath) the imprints of i) pain and pleasure ii) loss and gain iii) respect and insult are the ingredients to erupt as seeds of disease related to tension in this scientific and industrial development age. The tension unnecessarily makes the adrenal gland very active which is normally given as a safety requirement in the human system. To get rid of the unnecessary effect of tension on the adrenal gland, the slow and deep breathing process helps a lot. The tension gets percolated in the bioplasmic sheath (Pranayama Kosha) and also in the physical sheath (annamaya Kosha) in due course from the mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha). The bioplasmic sheath is below the mental sheath; hence when tension percolates in Pranayama Kosha, our cycle of breathing becomes shallow and fast. To come out from the shallow and fast breathing, proper food and enjoyment (“Yuktahar Viharasyacha”) are to be followed as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita.
The physical sheath (Annamaya Kosha) is below the bioplasmic sheath (Pranamaya Kosha). When tension is not resolved at the level of Pranmaya Kosha, the same enters into a physical sheath where “Apana prana” (gravitational force) gets disturbed and the disease erupts in five weak systems of the human body. It is interesting to note that there is no disease in intellectual and bliss sheath. Hence, the people who can keep the mind and prana (both) at intellectual sheath and bliss sheath, are free from the common problems of sickness. That is why; the sages are free from diseases.
The Aastang yoga consisting of Bahiranga and Antarang yoga helps to obtain purity up to bliss sheath and beyond. The five sheaths are the base of the body and the five Pranas are the functional aspects of the five systems. When both are kept pure, hale, and healthy; then one can understand the mystery related to the internal energy flow in the human body (micro-universe). this scenario can be achieved with the help of Aastang yoga.
For example, yoga provides insurance for the human system and they are namely) Asana and Pranayama ensure the healthiness of the physical body ii) Yama and Niyama (do’s and don’ts) keep us in a healthy behavioral pattern; because of which, positive emotions are grown iii) the scenario of healthy mental health can be obtained with the help of Pratyahara and Dharana; which improves the Viveka (it is beyond the intellectual limitation) iv) the spiritual domain is developed with the help of Dyana and Samadhi. By developing all four domains of humanity, life becomes pleasant and peaceful. These four domains resemble the four divine qualities (Daivik guna) of Hanuman Ji which are namely i) Bala (Strength) ii) Klesh Vikar (removal of negative emotion) iii) Buddhi (intellect) and iv) Vidya (knowledge). Shri Tulsi Das Ji has requested Shri Hanuman Ji to provide him with these four boons.
5.0 Hanuman Chalisa and Health Management
The first aim of life is to keep our physical health in good condition. The image indicates that four divine qualities related to certain verses of Hanuman Chalisa can be helpful to keep us in a healthy condition. The verses explain how the four domains of health can be interlinked with yoga. It will be appropriate if we take both yoga and Hanuman Chalisa together to explore the healthiness of the physical body. That is why, the emphasis is given that each verse of hanuman Chalisa should be recited along with a long breath in and long breath out process (resembles Pranayama); so that, the Anuloma Viloma part of Pranayama can be utilized while reciting the Chalisa mantra (Choupai).
It is also experienced that purification of human chakra can be obtained by reciting Hanuman Chalisa and when Pranayama is added to recitation, the internal energy flow is very smooth and free from any kind of obstruction (as chakras get purity). This is very interesting to note that the development of Purushartha (asset) depends on the purity of human chakra. The same (purity of chakra) can be achieved easily with the help of reading Hanuman Chalisa. The figure explains how the verse (Choupai) of Hanuman Chalisa develops the inner chakra (center) of the human body. That is why; the Hanuman Chalisa became very popular and very useful related to leading a trouble-free life by the common mass.

6.0 Health Management through Chakra (centers)
In modern times, there are many pathies (allopathy, homeopathy and naturopathy…) available to manage diseases; but all are not able to make a patient completely free from the ailment. This is because; all the pathies work either on disease in five systems of the body(Circulatory system, Respiratory system and digestive system, excretory system and Central Nervous System) and taking Partial symptoms of mind connected with Boredom, Misery, Failure and Frustration due to poor mental strength.
Yoga provides solace to get rid of diseases. For instance, “Hath Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Chudamani Upanishad” provides certain approaches for cleaning the chakra existing in the body and obtaining freedom from the ailment. Those who do not have exposure to yoga can make use of recitation of Hanuman Chalisa along with the breath cycle to purify the chakra. In turn, they can also get the advantage of freedom from the ailments connected with Psycho (Mental) and Soma (Physical). In a nutshell, we can conclude that Hanuman Chalisa is the means to purify the internal chakra and system of the body; by which, common people can enjoy life in a better way, especially to have healthy life in day to day curriculum.
The query arises that “How the prayer of Hanuman Chalisa can activate the chakra?” In Prayer, Shri Tulsi Das Ji has asked for four boons from Shri Hanuman Ji and They are namely i) Bala (Strength) ii) Buddhi (intellect) iii) Vidya (wisdom) and iv) Kleshvikar (Deep Negative Emotion). All these boons are associated with four glands of Human System. For example, Bala is associated with “Adrenal Gland” of the body; Buddhi (intellect) is concerned with the thyroid glands of the body; Vidya is resembles with pituitary gland of the body and Kleshvikar is associated with Thymus gland of the human system. The Thymus gland provides the healthiness of “Bone Marrow System”; which is difficult to be keep hale and healthy. that is why, Shri Tulsidas ji requesting shri hanuman ji to come and take out the Klesh Vikar Personally as the same is difficult to erase by Human Efforts.
The associated of different glands with the boons asked by Shri Tulsidas Ji indicates the connectivity of the boons and glands. By Paying attention on the prayers will indirectly make individual to concentrate on the respective glands; which in turn, will get activated by synchronizing the breath along with chanting.

This is to be remembered that human chakra use in yoga are connected with the glands of human system. By understanding the functional aspects of glands and chakra, One can pay the concentration and contemplation on these chakras.
7.0 How to come out from the disease?
There are many ailments but yoga has a universal medicine called “Prana (urja)”. Usually, prana is involuntary and unconscious; which is supposed to be made active and cooperative wherever the same (prana) lags. The diseases occur when prana in different regions of the body is non-volunteer and inactive.
In this way, the system which lags behind the prana gets trapped by the disease. Yoga makes all kinds of Pranas volunteer and active so that wherever the prana is not in adequate amounts, the healthy prana from another region will come forward to make the weak prana healthy. This way, prana works as single medicine for every kind of ailment. However, other pathy uses different kinds of medicines for different ailments. Yoga takes care of the healthiness of Ida (exists in the left side of the body connected with the right lobe) and Pingla path (exists in the right side of the body connected with the left lobe); and that way both (the healthiness of Ida and Pingla) makes the prana volunteer and active. The same (volunteer and active prana) works as yogic medicine wherever prana is weak in whole parts of the body. The healthy prana works like a preventive, curative, and immune development capability of five systems of the body. For example, if we adopt the procedure of slow and deep breathing, we can make the prana healthy as well as the same will prevent common diseases. It has been observed that if the breath cycle is about 15 cycles per minute (one inhalation and one exhalation makes one cycle); then we are in the Beta phase of the brain and the brain frequency is termed as 15 cycles per second. At that time, the person is said to be an extrovert and they may keep their general health in normal condition. When the breath cycle is brought about 10 cycles per minute (brain frequency about 10 cycles per second); then the person is said to be in the Alpha phase. At that time, the person becomes an introvert. Further, if we can bring down the breath cycle say about 5 cycles per second or less, we are deep in introversion and the brain cycle is said to be in the Theta phase. Similarly, when the breath cycle is brought tending toward 1 cycle per second or lower, the person gets the delta phase of the brain frequency. Whenever the brain cycle is in the alpha phase we start keeping good health. But, to keep our brain in theta and delta phases; this will ensure health free from major diseases except the disease related to Prarabdha karma (the action or karma is to be enjoyed in this life).
Slow and deep breathing ensures the healthiness of energy (prana) and the space (mind) function. By equalizing Ida and Pingla’s path, one can keep himself or herself away from day-to-day diseases. In this connection, the yogic institutions like SVYASA (Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana), Bengaluru; Kaivalya Dhama, Lonavla; Bihar School of Yoga, Munger and other established yogic institutions can be contacted for keeping the body hale and healthy without or with minimum use of medicines.
Shri Tulsidas Ji has given a message to keep in good health with the help of reciting Hanuman Chalisa properly. In addition, Shri Tulsidas Ji has also given the methodology to eliminate mental disturbance with the systematic channeling of the mind by the process of acquiring knowledge.
7.1 Health Management in an Easy Way
Every nook and corner of big cities shows the presence of a dispensary and multi-specialty hospital. This is good development but the number of patients is not reduced in day-to-day life rather the same is every day growing. The reason behind this could be different kinds of diseases that have come up because of global warming, ozone depletion, and deforestation. Perhaps, people are also not conscious about good health because of their busy schedule in the profession. Another reason could be the green and white revolution where pesticides and many harmful chemicals are being used which in turn can damage the systems and organs of the body easily. Further, it seems that the nuclear family could have contributed to poor health as the social disintegration in family, friends, and relatives affects the mental disorders which (mind) is the center for psycho imprints. This is a good sign that there is a collective medical treatment center in the world where the diseases are taken care but they are of selfish motto; keeping behind the business principle.
The breathing exercise with relaxation technique is an easy way to keep up good health; one can diagnose him or herself whether he or she is diseased or not. The healthy diagnosis reveals that whenever one breathes in, at that time, the abdomen should come out. In the process of exhalation, the abdomen should get contracted or pushed behind as far as possible by adopting slow and deep breathing. This (slow and deep breathing) will surely purify the system of the body if followed correctly. Similarly, IRT (Instant Relaxation Technique), QRT (Quick Relaxation Technique), and DRT (Deep Relaxation Technique) will ensure the freedom of the mind from tension, and in turn, no negative mental imprints will be imparted. If these two steps (Slow & Deep breathing and relaxation technique) are followed systematically, sound healthiness could be maintained by the individual.
7.2 Improvement of health by “Klesh Vikar”
In the prayer part of Hanuman Chalisa, the Klesh vikar is requested by Shri Tulsi das ji at the end of four boons. This is because; the elimination of “Klesh Vikar”, it is very difficult task. This (Klesh Vikar) is the root of chronic mental diseases. This (Klesh Vikar) reinforces physical and mental diseases. The impact of Klesh Vikar is visualized by witnessing the huge crowd of diseased persons in front of a medical clinic or Hospital. The number of hospitals is growing day by day; because Klesh Vikar is not checked.
This kind of trend indicates that we suffer more keeping Klesh Vikar intact in the biological system and also in the brain. Klesh Vikar’s concept of mental impurities is caused due to senses (Indria’s) and Lust (Vasana). These two clinching segments of the mind make it impure. Taking out Klesh Vikar (Harahan Klesh Vikar) indicates that it is very difficult to get rid of the Clutch for lust for objects and weaknesses of senses (Indriyas). The solution to this problem can be achieved by “Stuti” (reciting the good words of Sri Rama or Sri Hanuman Ji or an ideal or divine personality). The Stuti will provide a good impact on the weak point associated with the surface of the mind. This can also be obtained by praising the good work of Shri Hanuman Ji; by which, our Prana and Guna associated with the spinal cord will be purified. This, in turn, will reduce or minimize our Klesh Vikar. One more step is available to become adjust to Klesh Vikar and the same can be obtained by remaining amid nature. That is why; Yogi (who lives amid nature) becomes free from Klesh Vikar. In Addition, the common people can get rid of Klesh Vikar provided he or she develops the domain of “appreciating others” for their good actions for achievement.
7.3 Hanuman Chalisa for collective health development
In the West, there are community centers for health development. A similar kind of concept can be adopted by the collective recitation of Hanuman Chalisa at any place in the Eastern world. Utilizing verses (Choupai) of Hanuman Chalisa, there will be a positive effect on the movement of the mind. By developing positive mind flow (Both the hemispheres), positive health (consisting of physical and mental domains) can easily be obtained. The Psychologist also does the collective approach for teamwork with certain limitations. This is because the mind remains in three qualities (Trigunamental condition); because of which, psychologists could not do much work while analyzing the health solutions. However, spirituality including Hanuman Chalisa can do adjustments in three layers of mind nature or Trigunamental influence (Satto Nature, Tamo Nature, and Rajo Nature). By, a complete scenario of health can be obtained by the Psychological approach. Temporary health relief can be obtained but again and again, the effect of Trigunamental influence does exist.
By reciting the Hanuman Chalisa in a yogic way, the divine quality, truth, the praise of Shri Hanuman Ji, and his internal vibrant Tattva get evolved; by which a sadhaka becomes positive and dynamic. The scientific analysis exhibits that mind as matter obtains positive momentum, and the same (mind as matter) becomes means to grow the energy. The analysis can easily be understood by the E=mc2 equation. In this, E means energy generation; M refers to mind and c2 means it is the speed of the light square in between Akasha Tattva (Vishuddhi Chakra) and Prana Tattva (Exist at turiya). The first verse (Choupai) of Hanuman Chalisa “jai hanuman Gyan gun…. tihulok ujagar” imprints the utility of the science equation comprising the heavenly domain.
8.0 Removal of Diseases by Controlling Health
Yoga is gaining popularity as the same makes us a doctor in health. Utilizing yoga, we can understand which kind of ailment gets birth in what organs. The same can be diagnosed with the help of breath and three H (Head, Heart, and Hand or Manas, Vacha, and Karmna in scripture). These three (Head, Heart, and Hand) get diseases in life. They can be cured with the help of a cycle of breathing.
8.1 Utility of Breath with the Help of Left and Right Nostrils
We do the work in a day without paying attention, whether the right nostril or left nostril is more effective. Because of this, many times we use improper energy for proper work. For instance, if a marketing manager is working with the right nostril, he or she is utilizing proper energy as one has to convince the client. That is why, the marketing manager needs the right nostril’s function more than the left nostril’s; so that, he or she can convince the client effectively. This is because; conveying facts and figures requires more energy.
Similarly, the finance manager needs a calm mind, hence he needs left nostrils should work a little more effectively, otherwise, the utility of energy will not be proper.
Likewise, the resource development manager needs the energy flow equal from both nostrils, especially at the time of solving any dispute; otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved. In the field of work, flow from the right nostril is desirable; whereas, at the time of dealing with family and friends, left nostril breath flow should be a little more than the right nostril. This will be more desirable. Ideally, on all occasions both nostrils should have an equal flow of breath; which can be obtained with the help of yoga. In Yoga, we have to examine that timely use of nostril energy should not affect the overall health of five major systems.
9.0 How to diagnose the disease?
Let us keep our palms below our nostrils and try to feel which nostril is functioning more vigorously. If left nostril is working more, the head (manas) is more restless. Similarly, if the right nostril is functioning more, then the hand is restless. If the movement of breath is not equal but the difference is not very high, then nature (Prakriti) will solve the problem easily. But if the difference is quite high, then we must adapt the process of yoga to balance them. When the difference of breath in both nostrils is quite high for a long time, the same becomes the main cause of disease.
Likewise, we can understand the healthiness of our heart. For example, if we inhale and exhale (cycle) more than fifteen cycles per minute, then our heart is likely to get diseased. If one takes about twenty cycles or more breath cycles per minute, he or she ensures that one is going to be trapped in chronic disease. By these four steps of nostril breathing, we can diagnose how far we are hale and healthy of disease.
9.1 Hanuman Chalisa helps to reduce the human weight
Present day, the overweight is a big problem in health management. Being overweight as a disease has the root of the mind. This is because; our crooked mind is responsible for it. When the mind consists of wrong-Desire, Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Hatredness, and other factors of mind malnutrition; then, some forms of the disease are bound to come. The overweight problem is mainly due to mismanagement of the Thyroid. The thyroid gland is connected with sound. Hence, proper recitation of Hanuman Chalisa with loud sound will help to minimize the overweight problem by proper activation of the Thyroid Gland. In addition, prolonged “Bhramari” can put a check on the overweight. Dr. Nagendra Ji, (Nagendra Guruji) has developed a unique technique to overcome the problem of overweight by right nostril breathing in and out taking slow and deep inhalation and exhalation. This kind of right nostril breathing should be carried out four times every day (before breakfast, before lunch, before evening tea, and before night dinner). Each time, Twenty-Seven rounds (Twenty-Seven cycles) of nostril breathing must be done; so that, one hundred eight (108) times right nostril breathing could be achieved in a day before meals. This process has given good and healthy results for reducing overweight.
9.2 Hanuman Chalisa is helpful to achieve wholesome health
A person is called wholesome healthy if he or she is having physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual domains hale and healthy. Hanuman Chalisa is a helping hand to fulfill the missing links in all domains. The recitation of Hanuman Chalisa in a yogic way, reciting as Japa, and meditating on the same (taking one or more as means); the missing limbs of prana (energy) and mind (Space) are developed. In this way, Hanuman Chalisa is the means to develop positivity in the unhealthy centers of the body. In this way, Holistic health (complete healthiness) is possible with any yogic means, especially by Hanuman Chalisa.
1. Hanuman Chalisa Sab Keliye in Hindi; Prof. A N Pandey, under the guidance of Dr. H. R Nagendra (Guruji) of SVYASA Yoga University; in press SVYP, Bengaluru- 2013
2. Hanuman Chalisa for Everyone (in English); Prof. A N Pandey, under the guidance of Dr. H. R Nagendra (Guruji), SVYASA Yoga University; SVYP, Bengaluru- 2013
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4. The Ramayana Dance in Bali – Brief Explanation; https://factsofindonesia.com/ramayana-dance-in-bali
5. subject- Scientists reveal ‘The Lost City of Monkey God’ after a century of searching; https://nypost.com/2021/10/29/new-doc-explores-lost-city-of-monkey-god-after-decades-of-search/