
Prof. A.N Pandey, M.E  “Hons”

Director” Spiritual awareness programme (SAP), Hyderabad, India.

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1. 0 Introduction

The Veda and Upanishad find that there is one Brahman (no second one) in creation and beyond. This (Beyond) is the domain where Brahman or god exists.  Spirituality views these domains as dark having no thing in that. From there, the universe (Macro Cosom) comes out. In Macro Cosom, there is vision of Brahman, known as Brahman or god of the universe.

 At this point onwards, the Brahman or god is the controller of the universe and He appears as many from this juncture. The article describes the existence of one Brahman (original) at turiya teeth domain; which is similar to dark matter and dark energy domain of science. The controller or Brahman exists at the universe which further takes many appearances and the same (many appearances) is known as “god or Brahman in creation”. However, God beyond creation exists at turiya; which is gateway for the Brahman or god to come as vision in the brain.

2.0)  Relation of turiya teeth Brahman (truth or god in dark energy and dark matter) and turiya Brahman (truth or God in visible universe)

Turiya teeth domain (dark energy and dark matter domain) is the domain having “No-thing”; which means there could be no particle, no force and no force carrier in that. It is fully dark from where truth or satyam comes out and remaining 95% of the domain is still in dark. At turiya teeth, Narayan or Vishnu is Purusha, Rudra or Shiva is the prakriti and the power of the purusha holds them (purusha and prakriti) together. But in visible universe or observable universe, the scenario is different. In this domain (domain of truth or God or satyam), purusha is Rudra or Ishwara and prakriti is Narayan and the power of purusha (power of Ishwara) hold them together. In image, Turiya teeth domain is indicated by Bindu no.1d and visible Brahman is indicated by Bindu no.1.

The domain of Brahm or God is indicated by yin-yang diagram; where central portion is the middle domain of the truth or God, where Bindu no.1 exist and other three Bindu (which are helping hand for Brahman (God)) also exists in the domain of the truth or god or satyam. This domain comes out from the domain of dark matter and dark energy of science; which is known as Brahman (God) at “turiya teeth” (dark matter and dark energy).

3.0)  Brahm (the soul of everything) in observable Universe

From turiya teeth domain (dark energy and dark matter domain) only 5% of the domain comes out as visible universe or observable universe which is represented as domain of the truth or god or satyam in turiya. This means that Brahm is antarlaksh in the form of effulgent light and exists at mid point or centre of god’s domain, known as “Truth” in science or “Satyam” in Upanishad. Upanishad explains that Brahman (God) exists at midpoint of the truth or satyam and the same is pointed out as Bindu no 1 having effulgent light.

Further, the same truth or god or satyam at Bindu no.1 has three more limbs for appearance. The 3 limbs of the truth are helping hand for Brahman (God) to create the universe and they are represented by Bindu no.2, Bindu no.3, and Bindu no.4. These four Bindu’s exist in the domain of Brahm.

4.0) How to identify the truth (Brahman or God) in visible universe at turiya?

Lord Narayan tells Rishi Yagya valkya that the truth or god can be identified with the help of inner lakshya (vhitari Antar dristi), middle lakshya (Madhya Antar dristi) and outer lakshya (Vahya Antar dristi). In the diagram, the same are developed at Bindu no3, Bindu no.4 and Bindu no.2 respectively; so that, the truth or god or satyam at turiya (at Bindu no.1) can be realised. This is only truth or God or Brahman or satyam in visible universe having scenario of “Effulgent Light”.

This (truth or satyam) can also be identified with the help of mind, when the same (mind) gets transformed into “Amanaska” (The scenario beyond pure Chitta). It is interesting to note that the ordinary mind can become “Amaniya bhava”; which means losing its originality. When the same (Amaniya bhava) gets evolved into “Unmanaska”, then, divine mother appears. This is the domain of “Shakti”. Further, the divine mother (Unmanaska domain) gets associated with Neelkantha or Mahadev; the same scenario is known as amanaska. This means that mind has to get transformed from ordinary mind to Amaniya bhava; from Amaniya bhava to Unmanaska; and from Unmanaska to amanaska to retain the truth or God having scenario of “Effulgent Light”.

The effulgent light is not the ordinary light; which we normally see. The Upanishad explains that there is domain of sunlight (surya Prakash). The nucleus of the sun has has the domain of moon light (Chandra Prakash). In the nucleus of moon light domain, there will be domain of truth or satyam with full of effulgent light. The same can be explained with the help of Yin-yang image. The image shows that nucleus of Bindu no.3 will have the domain of Bindu no.2 and at the nucleus of Bindu no.2; there will be domain of Bindu no.1. In this way, all the larger domains of surya and Chandra get merged with the domain of the truth or god (Bindu no.1).The same is effulgent light of the truth or satyam or god.

5.0)  The attributes of Brahman

Attributes of Brahman are defined as only Tattva , very stable from inside and outside having very pure form as effulgent light and also appearing as void or shunya (as per Buddhist concept). The only truth or god can be experienced by negating the functional aspects of senses, inner instrument (Antah Karna), the vise and virtue of other rituals. The truth or satyam does appear as consciousness, atman, self and I.

The truth or god or Brahman is Nirakar having no family, no gothra but the same is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent having no dimension but infinite and eternal.

6.0 Milestone (Yardstick) for truth or god or Brahman

We have understood that what is the origin of truth or God or Brahman in dark and observable universe, what is truth or Brahman, what is the structure of truth or god along with appearance and what are attributes of Brahman or God. Now let us try to understand the milestone of Brahman which is to be experienced by the yogi or sadhaka.

There are 2 stages to be experienced during the sadhana and they are namely at i) turiya (fourth state) or Bindu no.1 and ii) turiya teeth domain which is about 10 inch above the head. The turiya teeth domain is known as dark Tattva in yoga and spirituality; whereas, the same is known as dark matter and dark energy in science. The mile stone is to have the effulgent light at these two domains; even the yogi or sadhaka is having open eye.

At turiya or Bindu no.1, the truth or god or Brahm appears as individual soul (atman); which is at upper part of the breath. This means that the effulgent light at Bindu Visarga (third ventricle) represents the presence of truth or Brahman as soul. We understand that Brahman from turiya teeth comes in human system through the opening doors of turiya. The same (turiya) is also fully illuminated with effulgent light; which indicates that the way to reach turiya teeth is also opened.

In turiya teeth, the truth or God or Brahman appears at about 10 inch above the head as effulgent light, even when the eyes of sadhaka or yogi remains opened. Here, the effulgent light is very stable and having “Light of the lights”; which is infinite and eternal. This means that turiya teeth effulgent light will be very stable, eternal and infinite even after the dissolution of the universe.

7.0 Conclusion

The truth or satyam or Brahman is only one at turiya teeth (dark domain) and also at turiya. The same has appearance in the form of purusha, prakriti and power of purusha enjoyed by prakriti.  The appearance of truth or God works as helping hand for manifestation as well as for evolution process. By evolution process, the truth or Brahman can be realised as soul and also as the soul of souls (God or Parmatma).


1. Mandal Brahman Upanishad

 Lord Narayana is the purusha of surya gives the clarity to Rishi yagvalk, lord Narayan describes about the Brahm which can be understood with the help of “Insight” (Antarlaksh). He states that antarlaksh is the Brahm. Formula –Bale-Stands for Brahman, A for antarlaksh, l for light, e for existence

2.  Amrit Bindu Upanishad

3.Maithraini Upanishad

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