How to Achieve Ram Rajya to Fulfill the Vision “Dream India, New India”?
A.N. Pandey, Director, Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad,
This article is in continuation with “NEED OF RAM RAJYA TO FULFILL THE VISION “DREAM INDIA 2022”, published in the magazine released at the function of Rastriya Srijan Abhiyan held in Bangalore.
1. How to achieve Ram Rajya in India?
Question arises that whether favorable atmosphere is prevailing in India for Ram Rajya? In spite of turmoil like atmosphere of anti social elements in the field of crime, violence, restlessness among youth, instable socio economic conditions, malpractice in dealing, erratic psychological condition, any possibility exists to fulfill the dream of Mahatma Gandhi for establishing Ram Rajya?
On surface it looks impossible, but author is confident to achieve Ram Rajya, if yoga principle and psychology is followed. This will make up the corrective action in all the disturbances discussed above. Then another clarification is required “What are the methodology and touch stone to achieve this favorable atmosphere for Ram Rajya?” There could be many approaches but yogic concepts are being analyzed.
Few decades ago, thinkers were having the views that if proper education is spread in the society, there will be happiness among the people of the society. No doubt, there are many improvements in life style and some growth in the society because of educational, industrial and technological development. However, large number of people is still unhappy compared to the scenario prevailed few decades ago. This reveals that there is some lacuna in the educational pattern which is to be attended. This opens up the thinkers view that why the education lingers with unhappiness?
1.1 How education yields unhappiness?
The analysis shows that the subjects that we are studying in the college and universities are bookish. This is because; the study to which we are introduced in our educational institutions is a gathering up of information about things. In fact in Veda, this kind of institutional education is called “Avidya” (not true education or Vidya). It is not really knowledge of things. The knowledge related to matter or object reveals that matter is in continuation with associates is one; whereas, education pattern separate each subject from other and provides the information in depth. This does not mean that the information in depth of particular subject is not necessary. Rather, this (in depth knowledge of a subject) is also necessary for analyzing the subject. However, continuum concept among the matters or objects is also needed, which is missing. That is why; with all our knowledge and education we remain unhappy. To achieve the happiness in education, we have to add the concept of continuum (inter dependent principle) among the knowledge’s we are likely to achieve.
An educated person need not necessarily be a happy person because happiness is altogether different from education and the knowledge that we have of things. Though, it is said that knowledge is happiness and knowledge is power, we see the reverse is the case in the society. We are miserable with all our qualifications. The reason is that we do not have real knowledge. We have only information of the outer form of things rather than an insight into their real nature. To have the feeling of miserable even after proper education, which reveals that a correction factor (to perceive the real nature of the subject) is needed in the thinking process of mind, so that this (miserable feeling) will minimized or erased. This means that reprogramming of individual mind or educated mind is necessary.
The reprogramming of educated mind (for not to be unhappy) can be done if education institution adopts the yogic concepts in their curriculum for supplementing the missing link; which is Emotional Quotient (EQ). Yoga stresses the importance of EQ for grass root people and also for managerial people. The society as a whole is having sustainability in all rounds especially in the field of environment, economy and education; which needs Emotional Quotient (EQ) in the developed form. Otherwise, the growth and development of the society may tumble down any moment even with weak blow of unseen situation.
1.2 How yoga helps to reprogram the mind?
If we look in the universe, we find the universe is full of objects. They are namely stone, plants, warm, insects, fish, bird, animal, human being, sun, moon, stars and galaxy. We may wonder why yoga is so concerned with the mind rather than with objects, while the world is such a vast reservoir of physical objects. In fact, Yoga is the combination of philosophy and the theme expressed in Upanishad so that the possible elements or means are to be added to achieve the continuum concept among the objects. This is because, the outside objects is not a matter of much concern compared to the inner dialogue or thinking process happening inside the mind.
Hence it is not the objects of the world that are our concern. This is the great aim of Yoga (including Sankhya and Vedanta) to make proper atmosphere in the mind by its expansion and also by removal of its fluctuation (Vritti). For reprogramming the mind, we are little concern ourselves with the things of the world but more concerned with what happens inside us. Our experiences are our concern, not the objects outside.
This is because; these objects are merely agents in creating a stimulus in our mind, but what sort of stimulus will be created within us depends upon our makeup. The makeup of mind depends on how far mind is free from malnutrition’s like i) abusing and blaming others ii) making others responsible for any situation and cursing iii) full of doubts in the mind for the associates and their action iv) unnecessary expectation from others and when the same is not fulfilled have the anxiety and fears v) full of reaction and hate redness while dealing the associates and situation. If mind is free from these malnutrition’s there will be minimum or no Vritti (fluctuation) in the mind. This could be achieved with the help of autosuggestion, utilizing satsang in addition with yoga. However, the expansion of mind can only be achieved with the help of yogic practice.
This means that the manner in which we react, reject and condemn to the presence of an object outside is our concern, and this not entirely dependent on the nature of things. Things stimulate the mind, it is true, and create a Vritti in the mind, but what sort of formation or Vritti is created in the mind depends upon the stage of evolution of the mind; which is entirely related to the large expansion of mind with minimum or no Vritti (fluctuating wave).
To achieve the best possible ground for reprogramming the mind, a yogic method has to be implied. Now the question arises that how the mind can be expanded free from the Vritti? The analysis reveals that the concept of Astang yoga model under the guidance of reputed institutions like Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anushandhana Sansthana (S-VYASA), Bengaluru has to be implied. Another factor which disturbs the stability of peaceful society is the eruption of criminal activity and growth of anti social elements.
2. Criminals and Anti Social Elements in Society
The criminality is imposed by inner mind, makes it bad in terms of cruel & tough adopting violence, but the criminality imposed has to be solved otherwise individual criminal will try to escape the rules and regulation of the society. Let us examine the type of criminal. If we see the difference between progressive personality and criminal, we find the main factor is cruelty in place of compassionate in nature of progressive personality.
Criminal will develop reaction, rejection, condemnation and hat redness attitude in place of compassion, mercy, pity and kindness. Criminal will not have the sense of forgiveness, tolerance and acceptance of others who will not be good for him or her. The antisocial element will also have more sense of jealous, hat redness and mal nutrition of mind. This is clear when we explore a question like “How the young becomes criminal?”
2.1 How the young becomes criminal?
The tendency of Youth towards Criminal scenario gets attracted because of poverty, unemployment, dependence on welfare and children outside marriage arena. The youths get effected by the negative thought in two ways, namely getting individually effected in negative direction acquiring “sorrow and ignorance” and effect the others or associates by becoming “cruel and evil” to them.
Vedanta illustrates how to overcome sorrow by joy, ignorance by wisdom, cruelty by kindness and evil by goodness. The topic dealing with “failure, frustration, boredom and suffering” explains the Vedantic way of overcoming these problems. Whenever youth get affected themselves they act in such a way that they will have failure, frustration and suffering. Whereas whenever they get dominated negative thought for others or associates, they will be cruel, jealous, harsh and bad for them.
The topic deal with “crime and terrorism” explains the effect of negative emotion, thoughts and opinions developed for other section of the society. Vedanta analyzes the approach to handle such kind of situations.
2.2 Types of Criminal characterized in yoga
Normally, youth will have (i) Ability (ii) Intellect (iii) Talent (iv) opportunity seeker quality in different proportion. When they tend towards criminal profession, they develop (i) Alertness to escape the law of the society (ii) Use their intellect in the negative direction (iii) Convert their talent or the skill in that profession and visualize the opportunity to be always safe so that they don’t come under the control of any laws.
During the development in criminal domain, the environment helps them to grow their inner faculties (in negative direction) to the highest extent. The disparity in the society enhances their growth in criminology and they adopt this profession enjoying whatever they do without any shame. Spiritual culture categorizes mainly four types of criminal’s namely i) Strong criminals ii) Ambitious criminals iii) Weak criminals iv) Need based criminals. The brief about the types have been tabulated in the image.
As the criminals have a peculiar personality like strong, weak, ambitious and need based, they try to develop in each domain by which they become the source of disturbances for the society. For instance, strong criminal may take the help of ambitious criminal by understanding their psychology. This principle is followed in the case of terrorist activity where Need based and Ambitious criminals are inducted.
The characteristics of weak criminal mostly prevail in uneducated mass and poverty based society. Whenever, the development work is carried out for them in the field of education and economy, the maximum number of young criminal having negative attitude (tending towards criminality) will be minimized or eliminated.
2.3 How Youth can be nurtured?
If the ability, intellect, talent and vision of opportunity of youth are turned into awareness, inspiration, positive skills and vision of organizing capability, they will become good citizen and management professionals. Similarly, if their four characteristics of mind (initial stage characteristics) are nurtured to make them to have ability of arts of giving, knowledge of scriptures, surrendering the ego and vision for higher devotional life for selfless service, they will become the spiritual leader.
The analysis shows that a society should have an institution to motivate the minds of the younger generation not to adopt the negative thoughts, opinion or impressions of the disparity prevailing in the society. To shape them as a good professional or good and progressive citizen of the country, the society should arrange an environment accordingly.
3. Government and NGO approach for rehabilitation
The mental disorder among the people has grown mainly in the field of criminology. This is because, the criminals becomes more confused and aimless to lead the peaceful life. The living pattern of criminals has to be reworked to rehabilitate them in the main stream of favorable society. Though, there are many professionals working to improve the behavioral aspects of criminals; prominent one is the psychologist. The science of psychology deals with the intersection of general human psychology and the legal aspect related to criminals. The role of psychologist is to help the criminals in person, hospital, institution and also at community center to council them in order to adopt the better social life.
In addition, the Emotional Quotient (EQ) of the victims or criminals has to be developed or nurtured so that they can understand their inner potential to utilize the same for the minimization of their negative emotions. It is well known fact that the criminals have adequate development of Intelligent Quotient (IQ). However, they lag very much in the development of EQ and SQ. Hence there is need to develop their Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spiritual Quotient (SQ). This is because; criminals are having strong IQ (Intellect quotient), of course utilized in negative direction and very much lagging in the growth of EQ and SQ. This needs either yogic or philosophical approach to improve the same in order to bring them on the main stream of peaceful and social life.
That is why; Vedantic philosophy can be used as applied tool to evolve their EQ and SQ. In order to implement this (yogic) concept, the Government, NGO and reformers should keep these quotients in mind for the development of criminal’s nature towards Sattva guna (kindness and goodness of their nature). Mainly criminals lead their lives in darkness (Tamo Guna) which keeps them very much ignorant from the prevailing facts and figures of healthy and happy society. They are very active (Rajo Guni) but because of ignorance their mindset is very extreme in negative direction. Various yogic concepts along with meditation help them to transform their behavioral pattern.
Meditation improves the IQ, EQ and SQ (Spiritual quotient) along with creativity. The meditation awakens the left and right brain (especially right brain), also activates the nerves and production of hormones. In turn, hormones will activate the brain in specific ways. The development of brain, IQ, EQ and SQ has been tabulated in the image in brief.
3.1 Importance of EQ to obtain the vision of Ram Rajya
Emotional Quotient is also important for nurturing the common people who are part and parcel of the society. Earlier, we have analyzed that development of EQ helps even the criminals to adopt the main stream of social life. This quotient (EQ) is equally important for common mass. We have understood that the factors like vibrant individual and vibrant society are very important for Ram Rajya. Among the two, the first one (vibrant individual) is the most important which will be responsible for implementing the rules and regulations of Ram Rajya. Generally, people are intellectually developed having high IQ (Intelligent Quotient) but lags behind EQ (Emotional Quotient). There are many methods to develop or evolve EQ but Yoga seems to be the easiest one. When IQ and EQ are equally developed there will be least possible chance of corruption in the society. This is because, corruption exists whenever IQ is more but EQ is less.
Similarly, another factor which is dragging the society is materialism. The people become more materialistic and trying to hoard the wealth whenever there is large disparity in financial condition between rich and poor. By developing EQ, this disparity will be minimized or eliminated. Likewise, the problem of manipulation (another factor of poor society) depends on caste, language, area and religion. When EQ is developed the factor like manipulation is minimized or eliminated. The analysis indicates that whenever these factors (corruption, materialism and manipulation) are minimized or eliminated, the favorable atmosphere of Ram Rajya will prevail. By this means we can conclude that development of EQ of individual is very important for establishment of Ram Rajya and the same can be built up with the help of Yogic practices.
3.2 Why Vedantic approach for rehabilitation of Criminals?
Many of us may contradict to explore and apply the theme of Vedanta by giving the argument that Vedantic concept could be possible for others not for criminals; because of their negative feelings and behavior. The theme of Vedanta works for those who are educated, rich, have sufficient capitals and alternate resources could be another point of our argument. But Vedanta doesn’t restrict to work under these limitations. Vedanta points out towards the hidden potentiality namely magnanimity, personality, purity of mind and self, concept of oneness, unconditional love and divinity are essential to be manifested to lead happy and secured life. They (hidden potentials) are essential to reform the evils of the society like cruelty and harassment to the members of the society or to the associates.
To change from criminal attitude to the normal attitude, they need reorganization in the society. They expect respectful life which needs to get the exposure of the science of values in respect of moral, ethnic, & virtue and also in the domain of honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability. When criminals inculcate maximum number of virtuous qualities, they may desire to have identification in the society as one of the important or creative person.
If rehabilitation for them is not considered by the government, NGO and also by the society, there could be more crime because of more number of experienced criminals will be available to propagate their technology with dedication and enthusiasm in their own way. As criminal would be alert with respect to law of the society and would try to escape the law; their intellect slots would be used for negative planning, their talents would be useful for making the frame work of future crimes and they would seek the opportunity how to be free from the grip of the laws of the land.
For rehabilitation, we have to awaken the consciousness of the criminal at higher level of every ones threshold value by enhancing moral ethnic and virtuous value. The alertness of the commitment, determination and enthusiasm of individual criminal has to be reminded so that they can be relied and live happily in the society. Next, awareness of the individual criminal’s spirit could be awakened with the help of concentration, equanimity, kindness & broadmindedness & discipline of each criminal. The criminality is imposed by inner mind makes the criminal bad to worst where as factors imposed by the society has to be solved as a duty otherwise they will become still worst.
The condition and circumstances in & around the criminal are made conducive so as to bring them in main stream. Criminal can become further bad or tough due to mental makeup of the criminal. When positive factors are inculcated, they can become the example for those who are in first stage of criminal growth. The rehabilitated criminals will convince the other criminals easily than the service oriented, NGO and Government machinery. Moral is the foundation of life. Inculcate the same in the minds of criminals which can help rehabilitation process of the criminals. The growth of moral, ethics and virtuous value lead the criminals to renounce the temptation to take neighbors property. They also minimize the pleasure of robbing, cheating and telling lie to others. The science of virtuous values grooms the criminals not to be interested in anti social activities and takes them at higher plane.
3.3 Swami Vivekananda’s view for good governance and political stability
Swami Vivekananda wanted “Vedanta (Spirituality) to be spread at each and every doorstep of the people, especially among the youth, so that a balanced and healthy society can grow”. This also gives the message that the Government, NGO, social worker and other members of the society to maintain the decent inter personal relationship with least possible disparity, so that criminal growth could be reduced from negative approach taken by them. This requires the exposure of spiritual message to each and every member of the society. Vedantic approach will lead to achieve the harmoniously balanced mind among the members in order to have overall growth of individual and the society in large.
Swami Vivekananda visualized the potential approach of Vedanta even for the society maker such as ruler, political leaders and also for the society destroyer (such as criminal and terrorist). For example, if the criminal and antisocial elements are simply led by the laws and uniformity is sought from them by punishment; they will try to escape the punishment and will have no sense of shame. If they are led by virtue, moral and ethnic values and certain amount of uniformity sought among them through the practice of Vedantic concepts, they will possess the sense of shame and they will be back to follow the law of the land. That is why; Swami Vivekananda wanted this high level philosophy for the political people as well as for criminals.
Vedanta advises that the good governance depends on the awareness of the respective roll of individual’s responsibility & alertness of others rights such as “ruler being a ruler, a father being a father, a mother being a mother, a son and daughter being son and daughter” for dutiful roll. This will help to understand the respective duty and also to protect the others rights. Normally, we try to visualize the others duty and self rights where as Vedantic philosophy says it should be vice versa. This means we have to visualize our duty and associate’s rights so that the difference of feeling in generation gap will not arise. Vedanta advocates the science of values in terms of virtue, moral and ethnic approach. The political philosophy of Vedanta provides for a good social and political balance if logical & rational concept of Vedanta is followed.
To utilize Vedanta along with yogic concepts, an experienced yogic institution should be involved to frame a suitable course for different types of individual and criminals. While planning Ram Rajya in India, refresher course designed by yogic institute (like SVYASA) to be implemented. In addition, a book on skill development for i) team work ii) supervisor iii) managers iv) management people (policy makers) is also to be evolved with the help of yogic institutions.
4. Touch stone for Healthy and cultured society
Having explored the factors related to weakening the society, let us conclude the mile stone to be achieved for sustainability of healthy and cultured society in the period of Ram Rajya. The image indicates “How to achieve healthy fabrics of society?” in respect of maintaining the healthiness in the fabrics of society. The associates who are implementing the development projects should ensure that four limbs of the society (namely environment, economy, education and heritage) are proportionately balanced. The same can be achieved with the help of Astang Yoga.
Different steps of Astang yoga will be helpful for the development of different domains of the society. For example, Asana & Pranayama help to have wholesome effect on healthy life. Likewise, Yama & Niyama uplift the moral value to reduce possessiveness. Similarly, Pratyahara & Dharana create concentration & courage to have productive education. Finally, Dhyana & Samadhi enhance creativity and intuitive wisdom. This does not mean that we have to segregate the Astang Yoga for each limbs of the society; rather, the connected person will have to be expert in yoga for the respective sections.
The balanced society will ensure the effectiveness of Vedic mantra like “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah” for achieving affluent society. This means that the distribution of adequate wealth among the people of society will be sufficient for leading happy life. Likewise, “Sarve Santu Nira Mayah” will ensure healthiness of man in the society in healthy environment. Similarly, “Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu” guarantee’s the effectiveness of education for well being of everyone with the development of EQ and SQ along with IQ. Finally, “Maa Kaschid Dukkh Bhav Bhavet” makes sure that the protection of heritage and cultural life will enhance the wisdom and peace in general.
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A N Pandey